The following list contains links to useful resources to expand upon the topics presented in this website


The Repast website ( provides a good introduction to the modelling tool kit along with ‘how-to’ documents, example models, and references to key Repast publications. 

A second source of information is the Agent X conference series, organised jointly between Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago.  All proceedings from the conferences are available online which highlight the diverse range of modellers utilizing Repast for simulation projects (

Another valuable resource is the author’s web-log (Blog): GIS and Agent-Based Modelling ( which provides a host of example models from various sources.

Further information pertaining to writing and running RepastJ models is Murphy’s ‘How to Create a Repast Model’ tutorial (http://www.u.arizona.Edu/~jtmurphy /H2R/HowTo01.htm) and Tesfatsion’s ‘Self-Study Guide for RepastJ’ (