conferences Other publications Posters Presentations Journal

October 2006

Roger Mackett, Belinda Brown, Yi Gong, Kay Kitazawa and James Paskins
Measuring the outcomes from active transport interventions for children
Symposium on "Creating Lively Neighbourhoods: Children and Active Transport", Melbourne, Australia
  presentation full paper conference website
October 2006

Roger L Mackett, Yi Gong, Kay Kitazawa and James Paskins (2006)
Where do children walk (and what do they do when they get there)?

7th international Walk21 conference in Melbourne, Australia
  presentation full paper conference website
July 2006

Stephen Marshall, Kei Kitazawa, James Paskins and Yi Gong (2006)
Mapping children's places and activities:
Analysis of the local area around a primary school
1st International Conference on Planning and Designing Healthy Public Outdoor Spaces for Young People in the 21st Century
  presentation full paper conference website

July 2004

Kitazawa, K., Batty, M. (2004)
Pedestrian Behaviour Modelling:An Application to Retail Movements using a Genetic Algorithm
7th International Conference on Design and Decision Support
Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning
abstract presentation full paper conference website

June 2003

Kitazawa, K., Zhao, H., Shibasaki, R. (2003)
A Study on Measurement Systems and Basic Patterns of Pedestrian Movement in Railway Stations
Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, No.27 (CD-ROM)
abstract presentation full paper conference website

May 2003

Kitazawa, K., Zhao, H., Shibasaki, R. (2003)
A Study for Agent-based Modeling of Migration Behavior of Shoppers
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CD-ROM)
abstract presentation full paper conference website

November 2002

Kitazawa, K., Shibasaki, R. (2002).
A Study on Behavior Modeling of Pedestrian
Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CD-ROM)
abstract poster full paper conference website

November 2002

Tanaka, H., Kitazawa, K., Shibasaki, R., (2002).
A Study On Modeling Of Human Spatial Behavior Using Agent.
Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CD-ROM)

abstract poster full paper conference website

December 2000

Kitazawa, K., Konishi, Y., Shibasaki, R. (2000).
A Method of Map Matching for Personal Positioning Systems
Proceedings of the 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Vol.2, 2000.12 pp726-731
abstract presentation full paper conference website

May 2003

Kitazawa, K., Zhao, H., Shibasaki, R. (2003)
Development of Measurement Systems of Pedestrian Movement in Railway Stations (in Japanese)
The 2nd Research Competition with investigation and marketing of train users' behavior (held by East Japan Railroad Marketing & Communications Inc.)
abstract presentation full paper
conference website

June 2001

Kitazawa, K., Konishi, Y., Shibasaki, R.
A Method of Map Matching for Personal Positioning Systems
Proceedings of the student session of GEOINFORMATION FORUM JAPAN 2001

full paper conference website


June 2003

Poster for Open house 2003 of Institute of Industirial Science, University of Tokyo

poster openhouse website

June 2002

Poster for Open house 2002 of Institute of Industirial Science, University of Tokyo
poster openhouse website

June 2001

Poster for Open house 2001 of Institute of Industirial Science, University of Tokyo
poster openhouse website

November 2006

Kay Kitazawa, Roger Mackett and James Paskins
The CAPABLE Project: Tracking Kids from Home to School and Back
CASA 10th Anniversary Seminar, University Collge London
abstract presentation conference website

February 2006


Kitazawa, K
Pedestrian movement simulation tools in public spaces

September 2005

Kitazawa, K
Supporting Walking Policy with automatic counting of flows

abstract conference website

March 2005

Kitazawa, K
New Approaches to Urban Modelling: Agents, Cells, Representations and Visualizations
5th Swiss Transport Research Conference
presentation conference website

March 10th 2005

New Approaches to Urban Modelling: Agents, Cells, Representations and Visualizations
5th Swiss Transport Research Conference
presentation conference website

November 24th 2004

CASA Research Colloquium (PhD upgrage seminar)
An Integrated Simulation model of Pedestrian movements
presentation Reseach colloquia website

March 10th 2004

CASA Research Colloquium
An Integrated Simulation model of Pedestrian movements:
The Outline of the model and measurement systems

abstract presentation Reseach colloquia website

July 2003

Mid-term examination in PhD course of University of Tokyo
A study on behaviour model of shoppers
handout presentation  

June 2003

Workshop on pedestrian behaviour modeling vol.3

June 2003

Presentation in British Council Tokyo
A Measurement system for investigating
how people move around in a railway station

June 2003

Workshop on pedestrian behaviour modeling vol.2

May 2003

Workshop on pedestrian behaviour modeling vol.1

August 2002

Presentation and demonstration of remote sensing technologies for tracking pedestrian movement at:

abstract presentation presentation website

January 2002

Workshop on urban design for sustainable cities
Current models to estimate human's spatial behavior

waiting for the result
Journal website

July 2003

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2003 vol.4

Zipped PPT  

July 2003

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2003 vol.3
Zipped PPT  

June 2003

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2003 vol.2
Zipped PPT  

May 2003

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2003 vol.1
Zipped PPT  

July 2002

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2002 vol.4
Zipped PPT  

June 2002

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2002 vol.3
Zipped PPT  

June 2002

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2002 vol.2
Zipped PPT  

May 2002

Lecture for MSc course in Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo

Introduction of GIS/Remote Sensing software: summer term 2002 vol.1
Zipped PPT  
March 2002

Thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Environmental Science
(MSc), Graduate School of Frontier Science
University of Tokyo
A Study on measurement system
for modeling migration activities of shoppers

abstract presentation fullpaper