and Objectives for Regeneration
The Council's
vision for Hackney in 2020 is that it should be:
- A thriving,
healthy and inclusive community which feels safe and confident
- A place
with diverse housing ownership and good quality affordable
- A place
with high quality education and a good place to work and
do business
- A good
place to get around and enjoy oneself
The ultimate objectives of the long-term regeneration programme
for the Woodberry Down estates:
1. Improve the supply of good homes and improve the built
environment as well as improving housing choices. Improve
life chances and access to services.
2. Harness the energy, spirit and enthusiasm of local people
to develop a sustainable community, which is confident,
safe and secure.
3. Become a good place to visit and a place where people
want to stay.
4. Provide new and refurbished housing, schools, and health
and other facilities to modern long-term sustainable standards,
in such way that it will make a substantial contribution
in terms of improved health, education, self-esteem and
other benefits.
5. Change the current uniform tenure and ownership pattern
by providing new and refurbished housing with a range of
different tenures, levels of affordability and ownership.
6. Unlock the value of the land for the benefit of those
who live on the estates.
To find
out more, download our document 'Vision,
Objectives and Procurement'