to 7 Optons
The following list is the outcome of the Demand and Finance
test carried out as part of the Education and Housing option
appraisal, the original sixteen housing options have been
reduced to seven. These options have been listed below, and
now need to be discussed with residents
Local Authority retains the stock but does the minimum level
of works under current funding.
This option assumes that no large-scale works would take place
only repair and maintenance. The poor condition of the Woodberry
Down estates makes this an unlikely solution, but investigating
this option will make clear the current expenditure on repairs
and maintenance
Local Authority transfers the stock, which is then renovated.
This would involve transfer of the homes to a new landlord,
who would then carry out previously negotiated works. A ballot
of all Secure Tenants would take place before any proposed
Local Authority transfers the stock; selective demolition,
rebuild and renovation.
Similar to the above but would involve some demolition and
building of new homes. An important factor in this is the
location where tenants would be moved to (Decanted) while
new homes were being built and the cost of this.
Wholesale Demolition and Rebuild by Private Sector at Higher
This option would mean that after all blocks would be demolished
and a higher number (higher density) of new homes would replace
the old. The ownership of the land and buildings is not clear
at this stage
Local Authority procures a Repair and Maintenance Service
Provision Contract, including selective Demolition, Rebuild
and Renovation.
This option is similar in some respects to the current management
and maintenance contract (called partnering) between Hackney
Council and Paddington Churches Housing Association. The significant
difference is that the partner selected would pay for the
major works, the Council would then make payments to cover
the cost of the works as well as the management service
Local Authority procures a repair and maintenance service
provision contract, including selective demolition, rebuild
and renovation. Service provision for other service providers.
As above but would include a contract covering new buildings
and service agreements such as Health and Education.
Local Authority transfers the stock; selective demolition,
rebuild and/or renovation; and new infill blocks, resulting
in increased build density.
Similar to 3 above, but includes extra homes built in appropriate
areas between existing blocks (infill).
will we choose?| The
Vision | The Testing Process