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By Place

Here is the table based on aggregating scientists by the place where they work. We have assumed that the metropolitan area that they work in is the appropriate unit of analysis. So for example, MIT, Harvard, and Boston U are in the Boston location while Stanford, Berkeley, U-Cal at San Francisco etc are in the Bay Area. Generally we have swept out a radius of about 30 kilometres around some central focus to include all relevant institutions in urban areas but there are some cases where we have relaxed this, in the New Jersey area for example where we have separated Princeton from Rutgers. We have put the maps on a separate page and the rank size distributions are shown with those for institutions and countries on a separate page too. See the panel on the right.

Rank Place/Location Country No.of Highly Cited
1 Bay Area US 96
2 Boston US 89
3 DC US 85
4 San Diego US 44
5 London UK 36
6 New York US 33
7 Raleigh US 28
8 Chicago US 25
9 Seattle US 23
10 LA US 20
11 Houston US 19
12 Ithaca US 17
13 New Jersey US 17
14 Cambridge UK 16
15 Baltimore US 15
16 Zurich Switzerland 15
17 Munich Germany 14
18 Paris France 14
19 Philadelphia US 14
20 St. Louis US 13
21 Stockholm Sweden 12
22 Davis US 11
23 Minneapolis US 11
24 Ann Arbor US 10
25 New Haven US 10
26 Oxford UK 10
27 Pittsburgh US 10
28 Princeton US 10
29 Santa Barbara US 10
30 Toronto Canada 10
31 Atlanta US 9
32 Athens US 8
33 College Station US 8
34 Rochester US 8
35 Tokyo Japan 8
36 Vancouver Canada 8
37 Austin US 7
38 Basel Switzerland 7
39 Berlin Germany 7
40 Dallas US 7
41 Madison US 7
42 West Lafayette Indiana US 7
43 Ames US 6
44 Amsterdam Netherlands 6
45 Boulder US 6
46 Canberra Australia 6
47 Gainesville US 6
48 Gottingen Germany 6
49 Nashville US 6
50 Tel Aviv Israel 6
51 Cape Town South Africa 5
52 Copenhagen Denmark 5
53 East Lansing US 5
54 Nagoya Japan 5
55 Urbana US 5
56 Amherst MA US 4
57 Cologne Germany 4
58 Columbus US 4
59 Florence Italy 4
60 Ghent Belgium 4
61 Heidelberg Germany 4
62 Long Island US 4
63 Los Alamos US 4
64 Lund Sweden 4
65 Memphis US 4
66 Milan Italy 4
67 Osaka Japan 4
68 Salt Lake City US 4
69 Tucson US 4
70 University Park US 4
71 Waterloo ON Canada 4
72 Antwerp Belgium 3
73 Birmingham US 3
74 Bloomington US 3
75 Brighton UK 3
76 Bristol UK 3
77 Charlottesville US 3
78 Cincinnati US 3
79 Dundee UK 3
80 Edinburgh UK 3
81 Frankfurt Germany 3
82 Glasgow UK 3
83 Hamburg Germany 3
84 Hamilton Canada 3
85 Iowa City US 3
86 Kobe Japan 3
87 Leuven Belgium 3
88 Manhattan KS US 3
89 Montreal Canada 3
90 Norwich UK 3
91 Nottingham UK 3
92 Perth Australia 3
93 Pullman WA US 3
94 Rhode Island US 3
95 Southampton UK 3
96 Strasbourg France 3
97 Tallahassee US 3
98 Wilmington US 3
99 Wuerzburg Germany 3
100 Albuqueque US 2
101 Auckland New Zealand 2
102 Barcelona Spain 2
103 Braunschweig Germany 2
104 Burlington VT US 2
105 Clermont Ferrand France 2
106 Cleveland US 2
107 Cork Ireland 2
108 Dartmouth Nova Scotia Canada 2
109 Denver US 2
110 Fukuoka-Kyushu Japan 2
111 Fukuyama Japan 2
112 Geneva Switzerland 2
113 Guelph Canada 2
114 Honolulu US 2
115 Indianapolis US 2
116 Jerusalem Israel 2
117 Karlsruhe Germany 2
118 Kingston ON Canada 2
119 Kyoto Japan 2
120 Lincoln US 2
121 Lismore NSW Australia 2
122 Mainz Germany 2
123 Melbourne Australia 2
124 Moscow Russia 2
125 Nantes France 2
126 New Orleans US 2
127 Newcastle NSW Australia 2
128 Nice France 2
129 Odense Denmark 2
130 Ottawa Canada 2
131 Phoenix US 2
132 Phoenix AZ US 2
133 Richmond VA US 2
134 Rome Italy 2
135 Rotterdam Netherlands 2
136 San Antonio US 2
137 Stuttgart Germany 2
138 Yamaguchi, nr Tokuyama Japan 2
139 Aberdeen UK 1
140 Adelaide Australia 1
141 Amiens France 1
142 Ardmore OK US 1
143 Bangalor India 1
144 Birmingham UK UK 1
145 Blacksburg US 1
146 Bochum Germany 1
147 Bologna Italy 1
148 Bordeaux France 1
149 Bozeman US 1
150 Buffalo US 1
151 Caen France 1
152 Cardiff UK 1
153 Charleston US 1
154 Chazy, New York US 1
155 Colorado Springs US 1
156 Columbia MS US 1
157 Compton, Berks UK 1
158 Dardilly-Villeurbanne France 1
159 Darmstadt Germany 1
160 Dartmouth NH US 1
161 Dresden Germany 1
162 Dusseldorf Germany 1
163 Edmonton Canada 1
164 Ferrara, nr Bologna Italy 1
165 Fort Collins US 1
166 Freiburg Germany 1
167 Fribourg Switzerland 1
168 Galveston US 1
169 Genoa Italy 1
170 Golden CO US 1
171 Graz Austria 1
172 Greifswald Germany 1
173 Groningen Netherlands 1
174 Halifax NS Canada 1
175 Helsinki Finland 1
176 Hobart Australia 1
177 Hokkaido Japan 1
178 Hong Kong Hong Kong 1
179 Indore India 1
180 Jena Germany 1
181 Kawachi-gun Tochigi Japan 1
182 Kumamoto Japan 1
183 Lancaster UK 1
184 Lausanne-Epalinges Switzerland 1
185 Leeds UK 1
186 Leicester UK 1
187 Leiden Netherlands 1
188 Liverpool UK 1
189 Madrid Ciemat Spain 1
190 Manchester UK 1
191 Marseille France 1
192 Miami US 1
193 Montpellier France 1
194 Newcastle UK 1
195 Newport News VA US 1
196 Niigata Japan 1
197 Notre Dame Indiana US 1
198 Nuremberg Germany 1
199 Oeiras Portugal 1
200 Omaha NE US 1
201 Orlando US 1
202 Oslo Norway 1
203 Padua Italy 1
204 Palermo Italy 1
205 Palmerston North New Zealand 1
206 Peoria IL US 1
207 Perugia Italy 1
208 Peterborough ON Canada 1
209 Pisa Italy 1
210 Plymouth UK 1
211 Portland US 1
212 Provo UT US 1
213 Reading USA US 1
214 Regensburg Germany 1
215 Richmond WA US 1
216 Saitama Japan 1
217 Santa Cruz US 1
218 Sheffield UK 1
219 Singapore Singapore 1
220 St. Johns NF Canada 1
221 Swansea UK 1
222 Taipei Taiwan 1
223 Tokushima Japan 1
224 Troy NY US 1
225 Tuebingen Germany 1
226 Twente Netherlands 1
227 Umea Sweden 1
228 Utrecht Netherlands 1
229 Victoria BC Canada 1
230 Vienna Austria 1
231 Wageningen Netherlands 1
232 Winnepeg Canada 1