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The Geography of Scientific Citation (continued)

The site is thus organized in a series of related pages that can be referenced as follows: we have used data on 1222 Highly Cited scientists from 12 fields, namely:

Agricultural Sciences, Biology & Biochemistry, Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Plant & Animal Science, and Physics

These scientists work in 429 institutions which are mainly universities, but also include research institutes, hospitals and private firms, usually having some direct connection to universities. They are located in 27 countries and in 232 distinct places or locations. In terms of our classification of places, we have taken different localities to comprise one place if they are part of a wider metropolitan region. So for example, universities like Stanford and Berkeley are grouped as part of the Bay Area while Duke, North Carolina and the cluster of towns in that area are grouped together. We have based this classification on what we know about the identity of those various places. In cases where we have no local knowledge, to help classify locations, we have used online map systems such as as well as ESRI's set of world and country maps which they included as part of their GIS software ArcView.

The pages that follow are organized as follows and you can click on each to get the material

Highly Cited by Institution; Highly Cited by Place; Highly Cited by Country; Highly Cited by World Region

Rank-ordered plots and Maps of these are shown where appropriate. Use the icons in the right panel to navigate to the data table/graph/map that you wish to see



