EDC Election Process

To represent the residents fairly, the EDC needs to include all sections of the community and reflect the number of homes in each consultation area. It was also felt that the experience of existing tenants/residents organisations would beneficial. The present composition of the EDC is given below.

Fourteen elections were held at public meetings and residents were invited to stand for election to an Estates Development Committee (EDC). The elections were successfully carried out and residents now represent each area of the estates where they live on the EDC. In addition to those elected for each area, representatives were also put forward to the EDC from local tenants' and residents' associations, the Stamford Hill Lease Holders' Association and soon someone to represent commercial properties.

Take a role
Do you want to form a local steering group in your area? Click here to find out how.
The next meeting
Scheduled for June 1st at the Regneration Centre. The meeting starts at 7.30 prompt. Minutes will appear on this website.

Copyright London Borough of Hackney
T 020 8356 5000 fss@hackney.gov.uk