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Town Centres on the web Town Centre Boundaries and Statistics for London CD-ROM

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) commissioned the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London to carry out a research project to define consistent statistical areas of town centre activity using government data and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology.

A model to define consistent Areas of Town Centre Activity across the whole of the UK was developed between 1996 and 2000 and has, for the first time, been used to generate statistics for London.

This CD-ROM contains statistical data for 147 Areas of Town Centre Activity and 21 Retail Cores (concentrations of retail activity in large town centres) that have been identified in London.

Employment, turnover and floorspace broadly relate to 1999/2000. They represent aggregate statistics for the Areas of Town Centre Activity defined on the maps held on the CD. These statistics should be considered preliminary and may be subject to revision at a later date. The statistics were collated on the 18th February 2002. Since publication of the London Pilot Study, doubts have been raised concerning the accuracy of the turnover statistics used in this project. Please treat the turnover statistics contained on this site with caution.

For each area, its associated boundary is displayed on the maps in blue, with boundaries of other Areas of Town Centre Activity and Retail Cores shown in yellow. The boundaries shown are approximations to the boundaries generated by the model and used to aggregate the statistics.

There are a number of different ways in which you can browse the information held on this CD ROM. Navigate through the CD ROM by clicking on the underlined blue text (These are found on most pages, and should be used to drill down to more detailed information and explanation). Please use the following links to start:

London Boroughs map Use this map to access the individual Areas of Town Centre Activity and Retail Cores within a specific Borough. Click on the Borough to access either a Borough level map with the areas marked, or a list of them falling within the borough.
London Town Centres map Use this map to see a map of all the Areas of Town Centre Activity and Retail Cores in London. Click on the area in order to access its statistics.
London Town Centres list Use this list to see all the Areas of Town Centre Activity and Retail Cores in London and to access the statistics for any area.
Data sources Summary table of data sources and classifications.
Help More details on data sources and classifications.
Caveats Known problems and limitations of the data sets and statistics.
Data in spreadsheet format (Excel 7.0).
Data in ASCII text format (tab delimited).
Technical report Full detailed project report (PDF format).

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