Employment |
Annual Business Inquiry (ABI/1) |
1999 |
Persons |
Convenience Retail;
Comparison Retail;
Service Retail;
Civic and Public Administration;
Restaurants & Licensed Premises; and
Arts, Culture and Entertainment.
Figures represent total employment and include both full time and part-time employees. They are not Full Time Equivalents. |
Floorspace |
Valuation Office (VO) floorspace data |
2000 |
Sq m |
By VO bulk classes:
By use classes:
A1 (shops);
A2 (financial & professional services); and
A3 (food and drink). |
The floor area for retail and offices is net internal. Net internal area is similar to net lettable area and includes most space used directly in the course of an occupant’s business. It excludes common areas, stairwells, foyers,walls, lift shafts, columns, etc.
Vacant floorspace is included.