Panel Membership List
present a representative from each of the following organisations
has contributed to our project through the King’s Cross
Spatial Advisory Panel (KXSAP). The panel meets quarterly to
advise significant outputs and support action to achieve our
research goal.
Transport Police: Police National Network
Camden Council: Emergency Planning and Business Continuity
Camden Primary Care Trust: Public Health Intelligence
Health Protection Agency: Chemical Hazards and Poisons Division (London)
Health Protection Agency: Regional Health Emergency Planning Advisor
London & Continental Stations and Property
London Ambulance Service
London Fire Brigade: Transport Group
London Underground Limited
Metropolitan Police: Police National Network
Network Rail: Emergency Planning
Transport for London: Tubes
University College London: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
University College London: Geomatic Engineering
Terms of Reference
synergies with local responders to enable greater co-ordination
of an emergency or disaster.
with local responders to enhance co-ordination and efficiency
of an emergency or disaster.
the development of risk assessment and emergency plans.