Most recent works



Kay Kitazawa
Children's spatial movement patterns - geodemographic analysis on their walking path obtained from GPS surveys
The 11th World Conference on Transportation Research
Berkeley, USA

abstract     conference website


Roger L Mackett, Yi Gong, Kay Kitazawa and James Paskins
Where do children walk (and what do they do when they get there)?

7th international Walk21 conference in Melbourne, Australia

    full paper conference website

September 2006

Stephen Marshall, Kei Kitazawa, James Paskins and Yi Gong
Mapping children's places and activities:
Analysis of the local area around a primary school
1st International Conference on Planning and Designing Healthy Public Outdoor Spaces for Young People in the 21st Century

abstract presentation full paper conference website


  • JAVA
  • Matlab
  • Perl
  • VB/Exel macro
  • JAVA script
  • Fortran