genericAgents - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
genericEnvironmentArrayList - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
genericLineList - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
genericPointList - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
geoms - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry
getACCES01() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getAREA() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
The accessor method returns the current state of the object.
getAVG_PTAL() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getAddAgents() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Add a number of agents
getAddNewAgentOn() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Should point agents be added?
getAge() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getAge and setAge Methods * * A simple methods that are used to show the GenericAgents age * when quirred.
getArea(OMGraphic) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
Gets the area for an OMGraphic using the com.bbn.openmap.geo.Geo class
getArea(EsriGraphic) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
Gets the area for an EsriGraphic using the com.bbn.openmap.geo.Geo class
getAreaJTS() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getAttribGeomStatisticsForTypesOfClass(BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
getAttribGeomStatisticsForTypesOfClass goes though a list of areas, calculates a bunch of statistics and sets the mean, lower and upper densities for both population agents (the stats can also be broken down by type).
getAttributePosition(String, FeatureType) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
given the feature type and the name, get the Attribute Position
getAttributeValues(String, String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
for a given attribute in a datasource (.shp file) gets a set of all the attribute's values
getAttributes(Geometry) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry
getBOURGH() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getBasicPolygonArrayList() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Gets the basic Polygon ArrayList
getBufferedArea(ArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Takes the agents current position and calculates a buffer at a specific radius.
getBufferedGeometry(ArrayList) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
This method creates a new geometry off the bounding area and is used in randomPointforNewAgent method because it was noticed that due to rounding errors of switching from an Vivid slolutions Point to OMCircle (float) that the Lat and often changed by a few 0.00 decimal degrees therefore the new agent would be drawn outside of the area which is a problem when trying to move the agent is steprestrict
getCOM_PER() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getCenter(EsriGraphic) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the center of the extents of the EsriGraphic
getCenter(EsriGraphicList) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the center of the extents of the EsriGraphicList
getCenter(OpenMapAgent) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the center of the extents of the OMGraphic Requires that the OMGraphic is an instance of EsriGraphic
getCenter(float[]) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the center of the extents
getCenter(String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the center of the extents of the datasource Requires that the datasource is a Shapefile
getCopyArrayList() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry
Allows access to the geometry array outside of the method.
getDescription() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.ShapeFileChooser
Reports the description of this filter for the file chooser.
getESRIPolygonWithoutIsland() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Calculates the geoemetry of the polygon without taking into consideration if the polygon contains an island or not.
getEnd() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
getEsriLayer(String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
given a shapefile, returns an OpenMap EsriLayer
getExtents(String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the extents for a shapefile The lat/lon extent of the EsriGraphicList contents, returned as miny, minx, maxy maxx in order of the array.
getExtents(EsriGraphicList) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the extents for an EsriGraphicList The lat/lon extent of the EsriGraphicList contents, returned as miny, minx, maxy maxx in order of the array.
getExtents(OMGraphic) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
gets the extents for an OMGraphic The lat/lon extent of the EsriGraphic contents, returned as miny, minx, maxy maxx in order of the array.
getFillPaint() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
Sets the colour of the point
getFillPaint() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
Sets the colour of the point
getFillPaint() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
The colour of the agent
getFillPaint() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getGREEN_A() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getGeom(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry
getGeometry() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Works out the inner and outer ring for polygons.
getGeometryGenericAgent() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
This method gets the lat & longeting of the omCircle (agents) geometry and creates a new point for the agent which is then passed to the isInUnionGeometry method to check that the can move.
getGetMethodForAttributeType(Class, AttributeType) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
helper function given an Attribute type (generally from a Shapefile's dbf file) get the related get method
getGetMethodForName(Class, String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
helper function given an Column name (generally from a Shapefile's dbf file) get the related get method
getGisAgentIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
getGisAgentIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
getGisAgentIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getGisAgentIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getHappyness() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Gets the current agents Happyness (either true or false)
getIND_PER() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getIncome() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getInitParam() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
This method gets the initial parameters of the model it returns an array of string variables.
getInstance() - Static method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
getLANDUSE() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getLOC() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getLat() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
getLat() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getLatLon() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getLocalNeighbourhoodAttributes() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
This method calcualtes the relative attractiveness of indervidial buffers, note that buffers overlap so there can be many possible neigbourhoods.
getLocalSpacing() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Get method for artifical size of neigbourhoods when searching
getLon() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
getLon() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getMAX_PTAL() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getMIN_PTAL() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getMovement() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
How much does the point agent move?
getNAME() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
getNAME() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
getNAME() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getName() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
The method replaces repast with the name of the project on the control bar.
getNeighborAgents(int[]) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Gets the list of polygons surrounding a specific polygon, information comes from the .GAL File
getNeighbors() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
getNeighbors() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
getNeighbors() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getNeighbors() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getNumberOfTimesAgentMoved() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Counting the number of times the agent has moved.
getOMGraphic() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
getOMGraphic() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
getOMGraphic() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getOMGraphic() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getPark() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getPerAgents() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
What percentage of agents are wanted
getPointsToSearchWith(ArrayList, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Creates a series of points within the BasicPolygonAgent (ie splits the area up into smaller areas).
getPointsToSearchWith(ArrayList, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsArrayList
The method gets a list of points to search the enviroment with
getPopulationDensity() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getRadius() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Gets the size of the agent
getRemoveAgentsOn() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Are point agents removed?
getResidentAgents() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Gets the basic Point agents arraylist
getResidentailLandValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getSEV_PER() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getSOC() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getSTEP_NUM() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Gets the Step number of the simulation
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsEight
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsFive
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsFour
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsOne
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsSeven
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsSix
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsThree
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.LanduseStatsTwo
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.removedResidentBecauseToOldCount
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsCount
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsRemovedAsUnHappyCommerce
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsRemovedAsUnHappyIndustry
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsRemovedAsUnHappyService
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsRemovedAsUnHappyTotal
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsSocCountCommerce
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsSocCountIndustry
getSValue() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel.residentAgentsSocCountService
getSaveDataOn() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Save data?
getSchedule() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Schedule manages the execution of BasicAction accoriding to the simulation clock.
getSearchOn() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
switches the search of in step therefore goes straight to poststep
getSearchRes() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Gets what is the size of the pointagents buffer
getSetMethod() - Method in class anl.repast.gis.display.PropertyWindow.JPropertyTextField
getSetMethodForAttributeType(Class, AttributeType) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
helper function given an Attribute type (generally from a Shapefile's dbf file) get the related set method
getSetMethodForName(Class, String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
helper function given an Column name (generally from a Shapefile's dbf file) get the related set method
getShpType(String) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
getSizeOfAgent() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Gets what is the size of the agent
getSnapshotOn() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sanpshoot on?
getStart() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
getTOTAL_WO() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getUnion(ArrayList) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Calculates the Union geometry of entire area, which is used to stop the agents from walking out of the area
getUpdateDisplay() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Updates the display
getWARD_ID() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getWardID() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
getdeterminepop() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getid_id() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
getsoc() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Get Social class
gisAgent - Variable in class anl.repast.gis.display.PropertyWindow
gisAgentIndex - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
gisAgentIndex - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
gisAgentIndex - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
gisBasicPointAgentIndex - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
gisData - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
gisPropertyList() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
Allows the agents properties to be displayed once probed.
gisPropertyList() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
Allows the agents properties to be displayed once probed.
gisPropertyList() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
gisPropertyList() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent