SEARCHRES - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
SHP_POINT - Static variable in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
SHP_POLYGON - Static variable in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
SHP_POLYLINE - Static variable in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
SIZEOFAGENT - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
STEP_NUM - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
ShapeFileChooser - class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.ShapeFileChooser.
ShapeFileChooser() - Constructor for class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.ShapeFileChooser
saveDataOn - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
saveGALFile() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Creates a new .Gal file which allows the polgon layer to be loaded again if the simulation is stoped at a specific time step
saveShapefile() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Any change to the basicPolygon layer is saved to a new shapefile
schedule - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
scroller - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModelInfo
sdev(double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Returns the standard deviation of an array of sample data.
sdev(float[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Returns the standard deviation of an array of sample data.
searchOn - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
searchRes - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
searchingByBasicPointAgentsInDecimalDegrees - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
serviceHome - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
serviceHomePopResident - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setACCES01(Double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setAREA(double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setAVG_PTAL(Double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setAddAgents(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets the number of agents to be added
setAddNewAgentOn(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
setAge(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setBOURGH(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setBasicPolygonArrayList(ArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets the basic Polygon ArrayList
setCOM_PER(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setEnd(LatLonPoint) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
Needed so the property descripter works, note it has to be of same type
setGREEN_A(Double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Information on parks within the area returns an area *
setGenericAgents(ArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Called by BasicModel.buildModel method, creates resident agents * for each BasicPolygonAgent.
setGisAgentIndex(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
setGisAgentIndex(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
setGisAgentIndex(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setGisAgentIndex(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setHappyness(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Sets the current agents Happyness(either true or false)
setIND_PER(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Setting the percentages for those origin counts *
setIncome(double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
basicAgentIncome is set in setRandomIncome method but need get and set methods for shape file.
setLANDUSE(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setLOC(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setLat(float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
setLat does nothing but is needed so that the getLat is displayed if quuerried by the user
setLat(float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setLatLon(float, float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setLocalSpacing(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
setLon(float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
setLon does nothing but is needed so that the getLon is displayed if quuerried by the user
setLon(float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setMAX_PTAL(Double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setMIN_PTAL(Double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Information on Accessability from home ie ptal- within the * area returns a number There is average, min, max Ptal values* in the area.
setMethod - Variable in class anl.repast.gis.display.PropertyWindow.JPropertyTextField
setModel(BasicModel) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setMovement(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
sets the movement
setNAME(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
setName relates to the field heading in the shapefile.
setNAME(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
setName relates to the field heading in the shapefile.
setNAME(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setNeighbors(int[]) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
setNeighbors(int[]) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
setNeighbors(int[]) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setNeighbors(int[]) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setNumberOfTimesAgentMoved(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
ounting the number of times the agent has moved.
setOMGraphic(OMGraphic) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
ensures the line is of type EsriPolyline and calculates the start and end node of each point
setOMGraphic(OMGraphic) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPoint
The poiny is an ESRI point as it comes from a point shapefile.
setOMGraphic(OMGraphic) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setOMGraphic(OMGraphic) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setPark(double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setPerAgents(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets what percentage of agents are wanted
setPopulationDensity(double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setRadius(float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Sets the size of the agent
setRandomIncome() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
SetRandomIncome: sets the random income of the indervidal (based loosely on : New Earnings Survey calcultes a averge income between max income (male) and Min income (female).
setRandomSocialClass() - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
A simple method that just selects a random social class for the new BasicPointAgent agent
setRemoveAgentsOn(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets if agents are removed
setResidentAgents(ArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets the basic Point agents arraylist
setResidentailLandValue(double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setSEV_PER(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setSOC(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setSTEP_NUM(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets the Step number of the simulation
setSaveDataOn(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets the save data
setSearchOn(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets whether the agent searches or not
setSearchRes(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets what is the size of the pointagents buffer
setSetMethod(Method) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.display.PropertyWindow.JPropertyTextField
setSizeOfAgent(float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets what is the size of the agent
setSnapShotRecording() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Created to save time when images are wanted when running a simulation.
setSnapshotOn(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Sets the snap shot on
setStart(LatLonPoint) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
Needed so the property descripter works, note it has to be of same type
setTOTAL_WO(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setUpPointAgents() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Set up initial position of the omCircle agents which is called in the buildmodel method of BasicPointAgent.
setUpdateDisplay(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Updates the display
setWARD_ID(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Information on area as a string eg ward id, location (inner * or outer London), and ward name *
setWardID(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
setdeterminepop(int) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setid_id(Double) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
setsoc(String) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Set Social class
setup() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
the setup() function returns the model to the initial conditions called after the main method.
shapeLayer - Variable in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
simulationSpeed - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
sizeOfAgent - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
skew(double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Returns the skewness of an array of sample data.
skew(float[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Returns the skewness of an array of sample data.
smallMovementForNewResdient() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
The smallMovementForNewResdient, movementForNewResdient, bigMovementForGenericAgent, reallyBigMovementForGenericAgent and reallyBigBigMovementForGenericAgent methods are used to make sure the new agent added is actually within the Polygon, in theory they should be but this is not allways the case.
snapshotOn - Static variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
soccialclassShouldbe() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
creates a hashmap of the types resident percentages within each urban * agent, uesed when the population is being created.
socclass - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
socclass - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
socialClassOfUrbanAgent() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
Takes a list of residents and calucates the landuse within a * a polygon based on the agents present.
sort(BasicPointAgent) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicAgentArrayList
Takes the current BasicPointAgent and sorts it based on distance from the other BasicPointAgents and places them in a sorted list based on distance
sort(BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicSmallNeigbourhoodArrayList
sortGisAgentsbyIndex(Collection) - Method in class anl.repast.gis.data.OpenMapData
Sorts a Collection of GisAgents using the GisAgent's getGisAgentIndex function
start - Variable in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
startNode() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicLine
Creates a circle of the first point that makes the line
statisticsMain(String[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Used to test out the methods in this class.
step() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicModel
Step method tells the program what to do at every step This therefore should contain information about agent movement, what agents are where etc.
step(ArrayList, float) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
What the agents do in each time step goes in here.
step() - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPolygonAgent
If one wants the Enviroment to do something specific in step place in the commands here
stepRestrictToForNewGenericAgent(ArrayList, ArrayList, OpenMapDisplay, float, BasicSmallNeigbourhoodsAttributesGeometry, double, BasicSmallNeigbourhoodArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
To ensure that the current resedient is actually created the area of interest, once the BasicPointAgent agent has been created stepRestrictToForNewGenericAgent mehod is called.
sum(double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Returns the sum of all the elements in the specified data array.
sum(float[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicStatistics
Returns the sum of all the elements in the specified data array.
summaryOfNeibourhingAgents(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Used to show how the buffered geoemetry works
summaryOfNeibourhingAgentsWealth(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class uk.ac.ucl.casa.andrew.phd.basicModel.BasicPointAgent
Calculate average land value etc based on the area buffer.