Surnames as a quantitative resource:

The geography of British and Anglophone surnames

Daryl Lloyd, Richard Webber and Paul Longley

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Surnames as Quantitative Evidence

April 26/27
University College London

Cruciform Building, Foyer Seminar Room 1
Gower Street

Please see below for details on the coming CASA seminar on Surnames as Quantitative Evidence. It will be hosted at UCL in the Cruciform Building, Foyer Seminar Room 1 on Gower Street (please click here for a map of the local area). As details change or are confirmed, this page will be updated to reflect them.

Papers for particular talks will come available for downloading as they arrive, and these can be accessed through the link in the menu, or by clicking on the relevant paper titles below.

For those who need accommodation for the night of the 26th UCL has a special rate at the Radisson Edwardian Grafton Hotel on Tottenham Court Road. This is the nearest hotel to the restaurant that we have an arrangement. If you wish to book a room here please visit the following site If you have any problems or wish any assistance in reserving a room please do contact Sarah Shepherd, but please note that she will be m out of the office until the 14th April.

(The programme can be downloaded from here)

Programme (29 March draft)

Start 14.00 on April 26th
End 16.15 on April 27th

Participants will include:

Kevin Schurer, UK Data Archive, University of Essex
Ken Tucker, Carleton University, Ottawa
Martin Ward, Experian
Grant Lewison, Bibliometrics, City University
Daryl Lloyd, CASA, UCL
Richard Webber, CASA, UCL
Paul Longley, CASA, UCL
Alan Tapp, Business School, University of West of England
Malcolm Smith, University of Durham
Ian Gregory, Department of Geography, University of Portsmouth
Beat Glauser, University of Heidelburg
Rich Harris, Department of Geography, University of Bristol
Richard Pinchin, Forensic Science Agency
Mike Batty, CASA, UCL
Tom Williamson, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth
Mike Weale, Centre for Genetic Anthropology, Department of Biology, UCL
Joseph Ryu, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Christiana Dankwa, Department of Anthropology, UCL

26th April Day One

1400 Introduction to the quantitative analysis of names

Welcome to the group and introduction of participants

1 KS : Setting the scene in name analysis : pathways, perspectives, issues
2 RW : ESRC quantitative analysis of names project : context; objectives; design
3 DL : Contemporary and international data sources
4 KS : Historic data sources

1515 Name size distributions

5a KT : Name size distribution patterns
5b MB/PL : Name size distributions and fractal patterning

1550 Break for tea

1600 Names over space : cultural heartlands - cultural divides (1)

6. KS : The notion of cultural 'fault lines' - alternative approaches, linguistic, economic, migratory
7. RW : Measuring the 'epicentre' of names
8. DL : Name concentration and dispersion and how these vary by name, region and level of geographical granularity
9. DL :'Adjusted' variations - enabling comparisons across names and places

1700 Names over time

10 KS Name rank order frequencies - how they have changed over time - what can we learn from this

1730 Review of issues day one

1745 End formal sessions day one

1745 Opportunities to look at maps of distributions of names and of name types

1900 Dinner: Navarros, Charlotte Street

27th April Day Two

0900 Names and nationalities

11. KT : Defining the ethnicity of names - clever ideas
12. MW : Using neighbourhood type to classify names
13 GL : Citation indexes and the classification of names
14 RW : Using international and historical differences to infer ethnic names

1000 Classifying names

15 RW : The how and why of a taxonomy of names

1030 Tea

1045 Names over space (2) : barriers and attractors

16 RW/DL : The inertial effect of distance
17 RW/DL : Using gravitational modelling to infer economic linkages

1145 A Social Anthropological Perspective

18 MW : Review by Mike Weale

1230 Lunch

1320 International migration

19 DL Uneven patterns of emigration among the Anglophone diaspora
20 RW Cornish emigration patterns
21 MS Population structure and isonymy

1420 Language and linguistics
22 KS/RW Can geographic analysis be used to identify synonyms
23 KS/RW Trade names and cultural divides
+ others

1520 Wrap up discussion

24 All : Candidate research projects which apply the new ESRC names database infrastructure to new applications

1545 Tea and coffee
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