WP6 will quantitatively assess the impacts of the simulated measures in
terms of sprawl of the population and employment, transport and the environment.
First, an evaluation framework will be designed, i.e. a list of indicators,
addressing the 3 interrelated subjects under study : location of activities,
transport, air pollution, and defining for each indicator : the definition,
the units, the method of calculation. Then, the indicators will be calculated
for the simulated measures, on the basis of the outputs of the integrated
land-use/transport models.
The impact assessment will firstly be performed separately for each case
city. Based on this, a synthesis will be made from the 3 modelled cities
in order to identify similarities for general conclusions and in order
to identify differences as well as causes for them.
The conclusions of this workpackage will include the definition of theoretically
efficient measures against urban sprawl. These measures will be further
analysed in WP 7 for final conclusions, as regards the acceptability,
cost efficiency, etc.