work packages

The second SCATTER workshop took place in Brussel on June 8. Sylvie Gayda, Günter Haag and Kari Lautso presented and compared the results of the simulation models implemented in the cities of Brussels, Stuttgart and Helsinki.
The workshop also introduced the urban sprawl monitoring tool which is now available here.
Frans Dieleman, Annet Bogearts and Hester Biemans from the SELMA project presented the preliminary results of their research which investigates the dynamics of economic activites' decentralisation.

The final versions of the presentations for WP5(Helsinki), WP5(Stuttgart), WP6 (Common Evaluation framework) and WP7 (Policy recommendations and Urban Sprawl Monitoring Tool) are now available here.

What is urban sprawl, concepts and perceptions

The SCATTER project and its objectives

Objectives of the SELMA project

Some results of the SELMA project

Testing solutions to control urban sprawl in the Brussels

photo of helsinki