We welcome suggestions of significant events in the development of GIS that could be included in the GiS TiMELiNE. We update the GiS TiMELiNE periodically when new information becomes available (and when we have some spare time). At present the timeline has a strong Anglo-American flavour, so we are particularly keen to receive suggestions from other parts of the world. We are also interested in the contribution of suitable photographs, maps, logos and screen-shots that might be included in the timeline. Of course, send us comments if you find any problems reading the GiS TiMELiNE web pages, such has broken links. Also comments are welcome on the style and format of the timeline. Please use the suggestion form provided below. Alternatively, email the GiS TiMELiNE authors, Martin Dodge (m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk) and Simon Doyle (s.doyle-walsh@ucl.ac.uk) directly.