I joined CASA in October 2003 to undertake an M.Phil. / Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Professor Paul Longley. During my first year I contributed to an Advanced Institute for Management Research (AIM) awarded fellowship, entitled ‘Geodemographics for Managing Local Services’ for the King's Cross Redevelopment and surrounding area. Currently, I am undertaking an ESRC CASE (Collaborative Award in Science and Engineering) studentship in collaboration with Camden Primary Care Trust (PCT). The project is entitled 'A GIS-Based Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) for Emergency Services: London’s King’s Cross Redevelopment'.

Before joining CASA I obtained a First class B.Sc. honours degree in Geography (2002), and M.Sc. degree in GIS (2003) with distinction, both from the University of Leicester. My M.Sc. thesis focused on Public Participation in Geographical Information Systems (PPGIS); specifically the attitude and perception towards, and the effectiveness of, PPGIS to evaluate, revise, and contribute to accessibility mapping for people with mobility difficulties. Currently some of my main research interests comprise of emergency planning, SDSS, pedestrian simulation and network analysis.

The rest of this site provides further information regarding my past and future News & events, a description of current Research projects, Curriculum Vitae, and finally Contact Details.

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