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October 2006 Professor Roger Mackett made a presentation at the WALK21 Conference and the Symposium on "Creating Lively Neighbourhoods: Children and Active Transport", Melbourne
September 2006 Professor Roger Mackett made a presentation at the conference on "New Directions in Children's Geographies", University of Northampton
July 2006 Dr Stephen Marshall made a presentaion at the 1st International Conference on Planning and Designing Healthy Public Outdoor Spaces for Young People in the 21st Century, Bristol
February 2006 Professor Roger Mackett made a presentation at the first International Symposium on Environment, Behaviour and Society, Sydney.

February 2006

January 2006

A series of field surveys were carried out in whitwell, Hertfordshire. They include:
- Tracking children's activity by GPS and activity diary
- Measurement of children's activity level by RT3
December 2005 3D walk-through in Wellwyn Garden City on the website

November 2005

October 2005

A series of field surveys were carried out in whitwell, Hertfordshire. They include:
- Tracking children's activity by GPS and activity diary
- Measurement of children's activity level by RT3
- Questionnaire surveys on children and parents
September 2005 Professor Roger Mackett and a project researcher James Paskins present their papers in WALK21 (The 6th International Conference on Walking in the 21st Century) in Zurich, Switzerland
July 2005 Four-day field works for data collection were carried out in Wellwyn garden city, Hertfordshire. They include:
- Tracking children's activity by GPS and activity diary
- Measurement of children's activity level by RT3
July 2005 Two-day surveys were carried out in Lewisham. They include interviews and questionnaire surveys
June 2005 Professor Roger Mackett and a project researcher James Paskins present present their papers in Conference on Emerging Issues in the Geographies of Children and Youth, Brunel University.
February 2005 One-day pilot survey was carried out in Wellwyn garden city, Hertfordshire
January 2005 CAPABLE website launched
December 2004 CAPABLE Wiki launched (opened only for the project partners)
November 2004 Two series of pilot surveys were carried out in Rossington
August 2004 CAPABLE project started
July 2004 CAPABLE project in EPSRC newsline
June 2004 UCL news features "Reducing children's car use: the health and potential car dependency impacts", the predecessor of CAPABLE project