Start of creating a graph Methods *
To create a graph there needs to be an inner class which *
impliments Repast's "DataSource" and "Sequence" interface *
which require 2 methods: *
An execute method that returns an Object *
A "getSValue method that returns a double (datatype).
Setting up the population percentages *
Note for reading in the information from the shapefile *
the get and set methods have to be the same as the colum*
label in the shapefiel eg setRed works but *
setRedPercentage will not work as the colum is labeled *
smallMovementForNewResdient, movementForNewResdient, *
bigMovementForResident reallyBigMovementForResident and *
reallyBigBigMovementForResident Methods *
These methods are used to make sure the new agent added *
is actually within the Polygon, in theory they should be but *
this is not allways the case.
snapshotOn -
Static variable in class
socResident -
Variable in class
What the resident agents do in each time step, I have tried to
to keep this simple, but it calls on a number of other methods
agent will only move if it is surrounded by more agents of the other type than itself
Parameters taken include residents,ArrayList urbanAgents,
OpenMapDisplay omDisplay, which are passed on from SegGISModel
step() -
Method in class
Step method tells the program what to do at evey step
This therefore should contain infomation about agent movement,
what agents are where etc.
step() -
Method in class
To ensure that the current resedient is actually created
the area of interest, once the resident agent has been created
stepRestrictToForNewResident mehod is called.