THis is a vartiaon of the Segregation model
The only difference is that the method moveAgentUntilHappy in the resident agent class
was altered so that no random searching was permited.
SegGISModel() -
Constructor for class
setRED(int) -
Method in class
Setting up the population percentages *
Note for reading in the information from the shapefile *
the get and set methods have to be the same as the colum*
label in the shapefiel eg setRed works but *
setRedPercentage will not work as the colum is labeled *
setREDNO(int) -
Method in class
What the urban agents do in each time step, I have tried to
to keep this simple, but it calls on a number of other methods
Parameters taken include residents,ArrayList urbanAgents,
OpenMapDisplay omDisplay, which are passed on from SegGISModel
step() -
Method in class
Step method tells the program what to do at evey step
THis therefore should contain infomation about agent movement,
what agents are where etc.
step() -
Method in class
To ensure that the current resedient is actually created
the area of interest, once the resident agent has been created
stepRestrictToForNewResident mehod is called.