
Research Interests:

Spatial information usage in mobile contexts
Urban wayfinding, spatial cognition
Location-Based Services
Virtual environments
Technology mediated geographies
Spatial data preparation and integration

Recent publications:

2007, Location-Based Services and Geo-Information Engineering. (Brimicombe, A.J. & Li, C.). Wiley, Chichester. (forthcoming) abstract

2006, The UK geography of the E-Society: A national classification. (Longley, P., Webber, R., Li, C.) Environment and Planning A (in Press) abstract

2006, User preferences, information transactions and Location-Based Services: a study of urban pedestrian wayfinding. (Li, C.) Computer Environment and Urban Systems. 30(6): 726-740. abstract

2006, A Test Environment for Location-Based Services Applications. (Li, C. & Longley, P.) Transactions in GIS 10(1): 43-61. abstract

2006, Geodemographic classifications, the digital divide and understanding customer uptake of new technologies. (Longley, P., Ashby, D., Webber, R. and Li, C.) BT Technology Journal 24(3): 67-74. abstract

2004, The impact and penetration of Location-Based Services. (Shiode, N., Li, C., Batty, M., Longley, P. & Maguire, D.) In Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services. (eds. Karimi & Hammad), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL: 349-366. abstract

2003, The handheld revolution: towards ubiquitous GIS. (Li, C. & Maguire, D.) In Advanced Spatial Analysis: The CASA book of GIS (eds. Longley & Batty), ESRI Press, Redlands, CA: 193-210. abstract

Conference papers:

2006, Modeling Context Aware Interaction for Wayfinding using Mobile Devices. (Li, C. and Willis, K.) Proceedings of the Mobile HCI06, pp97-100. abstract

2006, Dynamic Aspects of Interaction in Wayfinding Tasks. (Li, C. and Willis, K.) Spatial Cognition 2006, Bremen, Germany

2006, Understanding Spatial Information Usage in a Mobile Context. (Li, C.) Proceedings of the GISRUK06, pp157-161. abstract

2005, Urban Wayfinding Using Mobile Technologies. (Li, C.) CUPUM05, London. abstract

2004, GIS and Geodemographics: a national classification of ICT usages. (Li, C, Longley, P., Webber, R., Farr, M.) Proceedings of the GISRUK04, pp223-225. abstract

2004, GIS and cyberspace: virtual London and the e-society. Envisioning cyber-geospace and spatially enabled e-government: Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on GIS. Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements: 93-105 (P A Longley, M Batty, M. de Smith, S. Evans, M Farr, A Hudson-Smith, C Li, A Slingsby, R Webber).

2003, EURESCO conference, Germany, Research into Mobile Wayfinding Services Using Immersive Virtual Reality.


PhD: Urban Wayfinding using Mobile Devices: an investigation of spatial information transactions and interaction. (University College London) abstract

MSc: An Exploratory Study of Generalisation of GIS Data Layers using Object-Oriented Modelling. (University College London) abstract

Masters in Engineering: A microprocessor-controlled laser alignment system as applied in engineering survey (Tsinghua University, China)