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News - 2 - 5

The News page now details news from 30 Days in ActiveWorlds II. News from the first phase of 30 Days is available from our News Archive, providing detailed animations and maps of the world.

As benches.jpg (7264 bytes)anticipated there was been a slow start to user modelling in phase II of 30 Days. However, 30 Days is pleased to announce that the first model submitted by a user is available for viewing in the world. A range of newly designed park benches and a love seat were submitted via email by Betty B (pictured right). Betty used the freeware Modeller package, details are available on the Modelling page. Her first impressions on modelling have been favourable stating that she 'likes modeller, and   never thought it would be so great to use it and so much fun to see the result'. The Blue Bench is not however on general release due to a high polygon count. As soon as an updated version is available it will be released for general use.

Building in the world continues, with over 34,000 objects now placed. The latest map is illustrated below.

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It is notable that although building isbutchmeeting.jpg (6202 bytes) still steady in the world, 30 Days is become increasingly social. For example, a number of users took part in a 'Butch Day' organised by Stick, where all users had to use the Butch Avatar (pictured right).

More details on how to model and upload objects into the world are available on the Modelling page.

30 Days II News Archive

News 1


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