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News - Day 1

The News page now details news from 30 Days in ActiveWorlds II. News from the first phase of 30 Days is available from our News Archive, providing detailed animations and maps of the world.

During models1.jpg (5131 bytes)Day 1 three new objects were officially added to the world. These new objects, postbox.rwx, bench.rwx and streetlamp.rwx  right, illustrate the type of new objects that users can add to enhance the local environment. The objects differ significantly from the standard ActiveWorlds object set, as the project progresses it it hoped that users will add a range of objects, becoming the architects and designers of the virtual world.

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The new objects have already been integrated into many aspects of the virtual world. An example, by Dawny at 70E, 20E, is illustrated above.

More details on how to model and upload objects into the world are available on the Modelling page.



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