Resume - Nancy Chin

Address: 1-19 Torrington Pl, Gower St. , London WC1E 6BT
Tel: 0207 679 1815

· 2001 - Mphil/PhD candidate, University College London, Dept. of Geography
· 1999-2001 PhD in Geography, University at Buffalo, NY, USA (incomplete:    transferred to UCL)
· 1995-1997 MSc in Planning, University of Toronto, Canada
· 1991-1994 BA (Hons) Geography and Sociology, University of Leeds, UK

Work Experience:
·2001 - Researcher, CASA, UCL
- NEXUS and SCATTER projects

·1999 - 2001 Research Assistant, University at Buffalo
- Fall 1999 worked on program for automatic retrieval of images,
- Spring 2000 and Fall 2001 instructor for Geo 120 Maps and Mapping

·1997-1999 Town Planner 1, Government of Trinidad and Tobago

· Presidential Fellowship, 1999 - 2001, University at Buffalo, NY, USA
· University of Toronto Open Fellowship 1995-1997, University of Toronto, Canada