"This will be a city unrooted to any definite spot on the surface of the earth, shaped by connectivity and bandwidth constraints rather than be accessibility and land values, largely asynchronous in its operation, and inhabited by disembodied and fragmented subjects who exist as collection of aliases and agents. Its places will be constructed virtually by software instead of physically from stones and timbers, and they will be connected by logical linkages rather than by doors, passageways , and streets." William J. Mitchell
The Digital City is as William J.Mitchell quotes a 'City of Bits', it is a city made up of 0 and 1's the binary code which is the digital equivalent to bricks and mortar. The digital city is a city without solid presence it is a city which exists in the network of networks which is the Internet. The digital city does not exist in any one time zone for it spans all time zones across the network. It is not subject to day or night, summer or winter, in the digital city it does not rain and the sun does not shine. The digital city can grow and decline at rates which are not possible in the 'real world'. Cities can grow and prosper and then disappear into the digital ether as networks and servers are constantly being reconfigured. The equivalent to Armageddon in the network for the digital city is 404 not found. Yet despite not having any physical presence digital cities are man made, constructed by the architects and urban planners of the digital era. Digital cities still need to operate and display the characteristic of the physical city, they need sectors of varying landuse such as entertainment sectors, retail sectors, social sectors and even red light sectors. All these different elements, and many others, contribute to the construction of urbanity - to the construction of the digital city.