A Study into Cyber Technology, Cyber Culture and the Impacts on Man at the Turn of the
Paper by
Yang Li
National University of Singapore
This paper topic arises from the quest to find the missing link between
physical space and cyberspace. At the moment, many of the architecture discourses are in
search of architecture in cyberspace and looking into technology as a tool for creating
realism in architecture.
Indeed, the ultimate legacy of Hugo's "this will
kill that"
seems to be the structuring of the current response to
technological development in either/or terms
- architecture is either obsolete or, with some minor modifications
and improvement, will remain fundamentally unchanged.
This paper takes a different approach. It focuses on the presence of cyberspace in
architecture instead of architecture in cyberspace and includes a critical evaluation for
the justification of cyberspace in architecture is done through different view points. It
is a quest for the essential qualities, through the application of the cyber technology
and a response to human perception of cyberspace.
The role of cyber-technology in architecture is examined through an understanding of
cyber-technology till today and the lifestyle of the Cyberians. With this understanding of
the change in the perception, the organisation of the society and the individual is
Three examples are used in a hypothesis for a place for cyberspace in architecture. It
also acts as an argument countering the above quote.
The paper attempts to the explore the realm of cyberspace and its relationship with
architecture. It questions whether there is architecture in cyberspace or cyberspace in
architecture. It also attempts to study the possibility of "the death of
architecture" due to the expansion of cyberspace and replacement of the physical
This paper is divided into five sections: First, it attempts to provide an
understanding the cyber technological development and its cyber community. Second, it
studies into the transformation of the society and the individual and the impacts on the
social, economical, cultural and political spheres. Third, introduces examples of a
totally virtual space, a totally physical space and an integration of the two types of
spaces, thus elaborating and questioning the validity of each. Fourth, it justifies why
cyber architecture in a physical space and as opposed to cyberspace. Finally, it generates
future architectural discourses.
Cyberspace: A new universe, a parallel universe created and sustained
by the world's computer and communication lines. A world in which the global traffic of
knowledge, secrets, measurements, indicators, entertainments, and alter-human agency takes
on form: sights, sounds, presences never seen on the surface of the earth blossoming in a
vast electronic light
The physical space is what Sir Karl Popper, one of the century's greatest
philosophers of science, sketched in World 3 in the "three worlds" framework in
1972 . This world, he said, is the world of objective, real and public structures that
are the not-necessarily-intentional products of the minds of living creatures, interacting
with each other with the natural World. Popper also noted that many aspects of this World
3 are abstract, purely informational: forms of social organisation, for example, or
patterns of communication. World 3 entities and spaces are things he could examine,
evaluate, criticise, extend, explore, and indeed, discover.
Although Popper included cyberspace as the latest stage in World 3, in accordance with
the laws of evolution, and no matter how far it is developed, cyberspace will not replace
the earlier elements of World 3. It will not replace but displace them, finding defining,
its own niche and causing the earlier elements more closely to define theirs too. Nor will
virtual reality replace "real reality."
1.2 Purpose of Study
a. To examine cyber technology and cyberspace. The catalyst of change in computer media
propelled by convergence of technologies.
b. To identify the change in organisation and structure of the society and the individual
c. To investigate the transformation and physical space to a cyberspace
d. To evaluate the limits to which architecture presents itself in cyberspace
e. To show how cyber technology has been brought wholesale into a physical space and its
validity and truthfulness towards architecture.
f. To suggest other examples that integrate both cyber and physical what.
g. To analyse the problems of architecture in cyberspace.
h. To give a critical analysis of why cyber architecture must be presented in a physical
form instead of a virtual one.
1.3 What is Cyber Architecture
The word Cyber is from the pen of William Gibson, science fiction writer, circa 1984.
As it is, there are many ways of interpreting the term architecture. It refers to
Architecture that is related to Cyberspace. With the introduction of electronic equipment
and computers to ones life, perceptions changed. From playing with primitive self
made toys, modern kids now play with Nitendo games and Transformer toys. Electronical and
mechanical components become a necessity in ones everyday life. From classical
elements of architecture to hi-tech shiny metallic structures with projected screens.
The relationship between architects and virtual reality was not new. Since using
perspective drawings to using bits and bytes in computers, architects have been striving
towards achieving a more realistic preview of the built architecture. But what is more
substantial is the change after previewing the image. Thus, cyber architecture in this
paper is looking into the change in architecture with cyberspace. From moving into a more
liquid form of architecture, how would the end product be so much different.
Thus, the main aim of this paper is to search for an identity for cyber Architecture.
1.4 Is the expansion of the Cyberspace going to affect physical
Architecture? Is it going to reduce all architecture to a box and thus its obsoleteness?
Websites, which are homes or offices equivalent in cyberspace in an electronic
billboard form, are doubling every fifty days. A new home page comes on-line every four
seconds. Each of them simulating and providing a service similar to those in the real life
and even more. Cybercafes, electronic magazines, electronic video on demand, electronic
books, cyber shops are growing in numbers.
Yes, Cyberspace is going to affect architecture. It has already changed the lifestyles
of many people and will also change architecture. The whole society is gearing towards
computerisation with the computer doing all the monotonous and tedious task of
This paper aims to study the possibility of cyberspace replacing physical space and
thus the physical components of architecture. It hopes to find out whether human
perception will change till there is totally no desire to physically touch, feel and be
there. If that is the case, then there is no longer a need for architecture, old buildings
will be kept and new buildings will be designed as boxes with all the necessary electronic
gadgets, thus leading to the death of architecture.
In order to analyse the situation one requires an understanding of how the virtual
environment works, both in the technological and organisational aspects.
Before the introduction of Internet, users exist in their own cyberspace. Each has
little or no interaction with any other. Without the element of interaction, it thus has
little impact on the society. These cyberspaces serve with more than just as a source of
information, it is more of a one way kind of communication.
Perhaps, until today, the greatest invention that has allowed humankind to perform a
quantum leap is the Internet. The things that Net has to offer and can do is rapidly
expanding and its application is amazing. From sending a mail to performing an operation
for a patient from thousands of mile away.
It was not until 1993 that turn the "500 channels" became an
information age catch phrase. Back then, old computer network was primarily the preserve
of university scientists and computer professionals.
Key to the explosive growth was accessibility to information. In the
beginning, it was the BBS with text based message for communication and small file
transfers. The Internet is like a global street bazaar, with thousands of conversation
that make up Usenet and IRC (Internet-Relay-Chat).
Other more substantial articles are posted in Newsgroups(Electronic articles with
common interest) through E-mail (Electronic mail). Alternatively, browsing through the WWW
(world wide web) and using hyperlinks allows one to surf the Net multidimensionally and
with multimedia capabilities. That means reading articles with fully coloured pictures,
listening to Real-Audio in real or recorded time, downloading video clips and watching
them later, do a virtual walk through of a house or a museum or even play mah-jong with
people from around the world who is 'connected'.
The amazing thing is not the computer program but the ability to network with anyone
from anywhere around the world. Users communicate as they would with any telecommunication
means, through copper wires in the telephone lines. More advanced networking is by using
of fibre optical cables that send information bits at light speed, through air separated
by different bandwidths and also through space by satellites.
All that is needed is a computer, a modem and a telephone line. In addition to these,
to create a more realistically virtual environment, video camera, microphone, scanner,
virtual goggle, virtual glove and so on.
2.2 Cybercities
In Cyberspace, there are Cybercities that are virtual cities that perform functions
parallel to those of a real physical city. A cybercity is an area where common interests
and ideas are shared and exchanged. Computers become a fundamental to life. Many of the
political, social, economical and cultural actions have shifted or are shifting into
cyberspace. These cybercities actually demarcate groups of users by either location or
interest. Each cyberian will have an account given by his home server, from then onwards,
he can travel to other servers through the information highway. The information is
delivered in bits and transferred from any connected point to another.
An increasing number of jobs can be performed through cyberspace, mainly with the help
of the E-mails replacing the use of snail mails (normal mails). Thus urban designers are
going through a radical reformation, the same applies to architects. A good example will
be the new downtown master plan for Marina South in Singapore, where the entire city is
planned integrating both the physical world the cyber world. A city now longer consists of
purely commercial buildings but integrating work, play and living all in one place.
In cyberspace, codes and passwords is the law. This rule includes anything in the
computer constructed world from video games, desktop publishing, word processor, automatic
teller machine, chat room, entrance card readers, missile launchers and so on.
Yet, there are limitations and boundaries to these cities. That is no matter how
advanced technology can be developed or invented, there are real physical limitations. One
can never taste a drink in Cyberspace although he may see it and hear it in the end.
Cybercities are limited to information exchange in the end.
2.3 On the Net
Some places attract people because they represent a certain status or allow users to
perform certain tasks and activities. For example, driving a Porsche to a discotheque,
attending Rotary Club functions, going to an expensive for dinner or playing golf at a
prestigious club. To perform different tasks, one have to go to different places. In order
to discuss certain topics, the most immediate method is to meet face to face in a
conference or seminar.
In Cyberspace, users congregate at Newsgroups or Internet-Chat-Relay servers.
Newsgroups allow users to post articles and sometimes with graphics too. Other readers can
collect new headlines from a particular group and then choose those what he wishes to read
in detail. The articles posted up range from queries, requests, responses, news items,
announcements, tips, warnings and other various topics of interest. Usually, there is a
host and occasionally, he will remove some of the more unruly participants.
Internet-Relay-Chat is a more immediate discussion group whereby users log in to the
different servers and choose the channel to join. The difference is that one cannot read
past articles as in Newsgroups.
In some channels, user meets once a month to exchange ideas and software. Although some
traditionalists think that being able to chat and post articles in IRC and Newsgroups will
inculcate a kind of isolation behaviour, the truth is that is actually leads to widening
of the social circle and increases the number of social gatherings of this nature.
The path taken to the end result has changed. Formally, the gathering place is the
place itself, now, the gathering place is in cyberspace. From cyberspace then to the
physical space, which will somehow relate back to the cyberspace.
2.4 World Wide Web
In an urban environment, places have been linked mainly by transportation as well as
communication networks, from the beginning of passageways traditionally, to lift cores, to
pedestrian walkways, to roads, to rails, to air space, all of them integrating towards a
whole network system.
In cyberspace, there is what is called a Web Browser. There are different browsers
connected to the World Wide Web (WWW) servers located throughout Internet. These servers
provide text, graphics, video, sound or animation. In these pages are
"hyperlinks" where the page links itself to other pages elsewhere on the web. In
trying to locate a service or information, a user is not limited to one location but from
all over the world. It is like a World Wide Yellow Pages.
In using these hyperlinks, we jump from place to place like taking a high speed train
to virtually anywhere in the world. Reading these articles, from pages 1 to 2 no longer
becomes a direct process. There maybe 20 hidden hyperlinks in the first page and in the
second hyperlinked page, there are again another 10 hyperlinks. So reading from page 1 to
2 can be infinite. It is like walking through an endless corridor whereby before one
corridor end, others will appear.
2.5 Cyborg and Cyberians
CYBORG. One dictionary definition of cyborg reads "a person
whose physiological functioning is aided by, or dependent on, a mechanical or electronic
device" (Webster's New Unabridged Dictionary).
Contrary to our belief and misconception, most of us are all cyberians or in some ways
cyborgs but we need not look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2. It is more about
the integration of humans and the machine. In fact, cyberian culture is a depiction of the
integration of technological systems with social systems. A culture that is constantly
evolving and changing in every second, a culture that has little relationship with the
physical environment, a culture whose faith lies in the development of computer software.
Cyberspace is a social system that consists of individuals and a wide variety of
interests, capabilities and values. It depends on the context set by the technological
system. With the aesthetic dimension to human-machine relationship, the possibility of
cyberian culture matures.
2.6 Cyberian Lifestyle
Here are some common characteristics that is gathered from Articles published in
Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Virtual Newsgroups and Websites:
Waking up and switching on the computer Checking E-mails Work more than 8 hours a day Remote controls
Television? Monitor? Radio? Immediate Access to Information
Automatic Download Save MIRC
World Wide Wed e-mails Virtual Images, 3-D, surround Sound VCRs tape rentals PCs modems answering machines touch tone dialling
cellular phones cordless phones call screening phone cards ATMs fax machines Federal Express bar coding cable
TV satellite TV CDs MDs
LDs CASH CARDS, ATM Cards and Credit Cards
Phone Bank, Virtual Bank VRML and etc.
There is no strict definition to the lifestyle of a Cyberian. The number of types is
equivalent to any of the combinations and permutations listed above and more (In other
words, equal to infinity).
Other terms that have been given to this category of people are Cyber-Addicts,
Electro-Yuppies or Teleworkers.
The term cyberian generally refers to a person who cannot live without a computer. He
needs to be in constant contact with this virtual world. A cyberian will be one who uses
the computer to perform his major duties, mainly for work and play. According to Strait
Times article, a cyberian typically spends at least 30 hours a week in front of the
With the advancement and development of newer technology, more jobs can be and will be
computer based in nature. At the present moment, examples include computer programmers,
debuggers, technical assistants, animators, freelance writers, reporters, editors,
property investors, stocks investors, and etc.
The types of jobs that have been mentioned are all in one way or the other
information related and most of their titles come after the word 'computer'. From this,
are not most professional jobs not information related? That also means the job could be
performed practically anywhere in the world provided that the user is connected.
A doctor, a lawyer, an architect, an accountant and an engineer are all
information related jobs (although some form of physical contact is necessary). This list
does not end here.
......If only we could, we would wander the earth and never leave home;
we would enjoy triumphs without risk, eat of the Tree and not be punished, consort daily
with angel, enter heaven now and not die.....
If only one could, one would not want to travel to work. If only one could, one would
not want to travel one hour to go to school to attend a two hour lecture and then travel
another hour back home. If only one could........
On the contrary, some traditional employers as well as employees will not accept this
idea because of the lack of human touch and supervision, as well as a certain amount of
Nevertheless, putting the negative side apart, the idea may work. There is already at
least an architecture firm in Singapore that has set up a branch in the Philippines since
1994. The main task of the branch is the churn out Autocad BP (Building Plans) drawings
and construction details. Sketches of the design are being faxed from the Singapore office
to the Philippine Branch. There, a group of architects who are Autocad literate will work
out the drawings on the computer and sent them back to the Singapore office through modem.
Will the big boss in Singapore know whether his employees in Philippines work the
entire eight hours a day? Probably no. Does he need to?
All that the big boss needs to know is that his employees, thousand of miles away, are
producing the drawings at the same rate as draftsmen in Singapore at a fraction of the
Of course the good old Singapore office will still have a small computer department
with four or five local draftsmen to do minor amendments and adjustments. Overall, the
idea worked!
Thus the cyberian work attitude is one that believes in the end product and not in the
Cyberians typical recreational activities include, computer games,
chatting in IRC, surfing the Net for music, movies, comics and news articles. A common
phenomenon of a new Internet user is clocking up hundreds of hours during the first few
months and spending most of the time in front of the computer. The reason is because the
Net provides some much to learn and play that it becomes never ending. Users are able to
download everything that he is able to see and hear. From an article to games to midi
music to movies. Almost all the recreation is done in cyberspace.
The fact that there is so much to do on the Net does not mean a total
replacement of the physical parallel. A user who has just completed a 3 hour triathlon on
a computer game has only lost a few calories for exercising his fingers. Although users
realise this fact, many did not revert to the old lifestyle, thus resulting to weight
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