The Creation of the ACSP Web Site
A Paper By
Associate, Apogee Research and alumnus City Planning
Program, Georgia Institute of Technology
The premier issue of Online Planning provides an excellent medium for the story
of the creation of a web site for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
(ACSP). This site was created by the author and seven fellow students (see Table 1) all of
whom are now alumni of the Georgia Tech City Planning Program during late 1995 and early
1996. This article will begin with a brief background of the project and continue with a
description of the issues dealt with during its construction and conclude with some
lessons learned and issues for the future.
Table 1:
Students Involved in the Creation of the ACSP Web Site: Graduation Dates & Degrees in Parenthesis |
Zaffar Ijaz Ahmad (MCP, 1996) Harry
James Boxler (MCP, 1996)
Sandra Elizabeth Glatting (MCP
& MS, 1997)
Dharm Guruswamy (MCP, 1997)
Elizabeth Gates Kellett (MCP, 1996)
Subrahmanyam Muthukumar (MS, 1996)
Ramarchandra Sivakumar (MS, 1996)
William Robert Stein (MCP & MS, 1996)
Paula Kay Stevens (MCP & MS, 1997) |
Founded in 1959, ACSP, is a organization of primarily North American (US &
Canadian) departments, programs, and schools which teach urban and regional planning. It's
first major activity and one of the most important to this day, is the sponsorship of a
annual conference for academic planners. Since then, it has diversified its services to
the academy to include a professional journal (Journal of Planning Education & Research),
a newsletter (ACSP Update), and guides to both graduate and undergraduate education in
urban and regional planning, both of which are updated on a biannual basis. In addition,
ACSP is a partner with the profession through American Institute of Certified
Planners in the Planning Accreditation Board, the body that accredits planning
programs in the United States.
The ACSP web site as well as a web site for the Georgia
Tech Graduate City Planning Program were created by the students listed in Table 1, as
part of a studio class which covered both the Fall 1995 and Winter 1996 academic quarters
at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The class was under the direction of Associate
Professor's Michael L.
Poirier Elliott and William
J. Drummond. The credit for coming up with the idea for the project goes to Dr.
Drummond who was also the lead instructor for the class. Inspired by the then recent
publication of City of Bits on
the World Wide Web by William J.
Mitchell , Dean of the School of Architecture &
Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,
Drummond approached then ACSP President Catherine Ross also of
Georgia Tech with the idea of building a web site with information on urban planning with
the ACSP's Guide to Graduate
Programs in Urban & Regional Planning (Guide) at its core. With the backing of
Ross, Drummond approached the Director of the Graduate City Planning Program at Georgia
Tech, Steven P. French with
the then novel idea of running a studio class which would create the WWW site for ACSP as
well as one for the Georgia Tech program which lacked one at the time. French approved and
Drummond then approached Elliott to co-teach the class as Elliott who possessed a
undergraduate degree in architecture was more familiar with layout, style, and formatting.
Due to the fact that no prerequisite knowledge in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) or the
World Wide Web (WWW) was required the class was spread out over two academic quarters (a
academic quarter is normally 10 weeks in length as compared with 15 weeks for a semester)
with students taking 3 credits the Fall quarter and 2 credits the Winter quarter instead
of the usual studio class which was 5 credits in one quarter.
In reading the following account of the class, the reader should realize that the web
was still largely a novelty in late 1995 when we began the undertaking. Many large and
important organizations still were not on the web and many web sites were very limited in
both content and size and very few individuals had web sites. Version 1.1 of Netscape was
just beginning to be supplanted by Version 2.0 and Microsoft's Internet Explorer was but a
gleam in Bill Gates's eye. Web publishing software was just being released and thus the
vast majority of web sites were constructed using a text editor and knowledge of HTML.
We began the class by going over the objectives of the class: to produce a web site
that contains the contents of the Guide to Graduate Programs in Urban & Regional
Planning and also helps to recruit students to ACSP member schools. Students learned
to master HTML by first converting their resumes into HTML. One of the most difficult
issues dealt with by the class was the answer to the question, "What is
planning?" and how do we attract prospective students to the field? After grappling
with that question, the instructors and students settled on dividing the site up into
three areas:
- What is Planning?
- which included a description on the home page of what planning is with links to
descriptions (and more links) to the main specialization's in planning:
- What to Planners Do?
- This section was split into three sections dealing with:
- places where planning has made a difference including:
- profiles of planners in different specialization's and areas:
- Ed Blakely - Dean of
the School of Urban & Regional Planning University of Southern California, Los
- Connie Cannon - Chief
of Transportation Planning, Metropolitan Rapid Transit Authority, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Jack Glatting -
Principal, Glatting, Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc., Orlando,
- Alvin James - Director
of Planning & Permitting, City of Pasadena, California.
- Stephen Wahlstrom -
Managing Principle, Applied Development Economics, Berkeley, California
- Consider a Career in Planning
- The Guide to Graduate Programs in Urban & Regional Planning in HTML form. We
added lists of schools by name and state and added links to schools web sites.
To round out the site famous quotes dealing with planning were inserted throughout the main page.
Students worked individually or in groups on filling out the outline shown above. For
example, the author conducted interviews and obtained resumes for Blakely, James, and
Wahlstrom, as well as writing up the specialization on international development planning.
In terms of the actual process of creating graphics and doing HTML conversion students
were also assigned specific tasks. Those with a background in design worked on the
graphics while others worked on creating tables similar to that found in the Guide. The
task of marking up resumes and converting the Guide was both painstaking and arduous as
most everything was done manually in a text editor, except for the use of Microsoft Excel
which was used with a macro to create the tables (data entry was still done manually). The
process was so drawn out that the class was unable to complete the Georgia Tech City
Planning Program site, which was completed by the author during the summer of 1996 as a
independent study.
During the studio class, the leadership at ACSP shifted from
Catherine Ross to Eugenie
Birch (see picture), who not only continued her support for the project but wrote a
welcome statement which plays a prominent role in the site. After the web site was
completed, the ACSP leadership which included President Birch and the Executive Committee
decided to unveil the site at the ACSP's annual Conference, which in 1996 was a
"joint world Congress" with the Association of European Schools of Planning
(AESOP) in Toronto, Canada. The author traveled to Toronto in July of 1996 and made a presentation during the annual business
meeting. Despite some technical glitches in the presentation, the site was well received.
Lessons Learned & Future Issues
While constructing the site, much more class time was spent discussing questions of
content than with formatting and web technicalities. The class met for three hours each
week the first quarter, and the author recalls one class period spent almost exclusively
on debating "what is planning?" In order to build the site, we spent
substantially more time thinking about what planning is, what makes it unique, and most
importantly how to present it to prospective students than in actually dealing with the
technical details. We found that planning is truly interdisciplinary in that it draws from
so many disciplines which makes it hard to profile and describe. However, this is also a
strength because its easy to make connections with prospective students in so many areas.
In doing so, many in the class including the author gained a deeper understanding of the
philosophical underpinnings of planning and its relation to the problems of society.
Whether a student was researching a city where planning made a difference or interviewing
a planner with many years of experience, we were always learning something new.
At the time the web site was unveiled in July of 1996, we knew of no other profession
which had as much information for prospective students on one web site, and it was a
achievement we felt was reason enough to be proud of our efforts. However, one cannot rest
on our laurels, and one comment I received at the unveiling was when will undergraduate
and Ph.D. programs be added to the site. Currently, many other professions have already
exceeded the content of our site, highlighting the importance of continuos upgrading and
updating to stay at the forefront.
In the short period (one year) between the unveiling of the web site, and this article
another edition of the Guide to Graduate Programs in Urban & Regional Planning
has already been released. While advances in HTML authoring tools will no doubt make the
task of updating the site easier, it will still require significant effort. This raises
the question, once the class is over and the students have graduated who updates the site.
The construction of the site required significant intellectual effort which justified
offering it as a class. However, updating the site is certainly more routine and thus Dr.
Drummond and the ACSP are investigating ways in which ACSP could fund a graduate research
assistant to update the site.
In terms of adding the undergraduate and Ph.D. programs to the site, this too would be
a significant undertaking. The graduate Guide's undergraduate companion is aimed at a
different audience, high school students. The construction of a undergraduate site would
thus be probably best accomplished by undergraduate students in a undergraduate program
(which Georgia Tech does not have). The Ph.D. program possesses another challenge in that
their is no separate guide for them at this time. This is primarily because the market
would is so small, however, the web would be the perfect medium to start a guide for Ph.D.
students. Again, the audience would be different, and it would be best accomplished by
students at a Ph.D. program.
In order to construct the site, we had to find links to all the planning programs which
had sites at the time. One observation the author made is that their was not necessarily a
relationship between stature and size of a program and the quality of its web site. The
low cost of setting up a web site and its ubiquitous nature make it the great equalizer
between planning programs. Ultimately, the schools with better and flashier web sites will
most likely attract better students, and the web site will essentially become the flashy
brochure of the future.
Dr. Drummond deserves much credit for both coming up with the idea for the site and
following through with excellent leadership during the studio. The author would also like
to thank the other students in the class and (now fellow alumni, listed in Table 1) who
were a pleasure to work with. The contents of this article including any errors are,
however, the author's who takes full responsibility for the contents of this article.
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