Online Planning is
currently being re-edited. An updated version with over 15,000 words of new text exploring
the issues of planning online will be available shortly. Issue 4 of the Online Planning Journal is available
with 3 new academic papers on the digital city, virtual reality and community
While the update is taking place a series of CASA Working Papers have been
published online. The first 3, in a series of 6, are based on research under Online
Working Paper 1: Modelling Virtual Urban
Environments - Michael Batty, Martin Dodge, Simon Doyle & Andy
Smith (file size 2.00MB)
Paper 2: Visual Communication in Urban Planning & Urban Design - Andy
Smith, Martin Dodge, Simon Doyle (file size 2.90 MB)
Paper 3: GIS and Urban Design - Michael Batty, Martin Dodge, Bin Jiang &
Andy Smith (file size 1.57 MB)
The working papers can be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat Reader -
You may also like to explore our sister projects, all
related to examining an online planning system either via digital visualisation or online
Page Update 24th May 1999 |