dear Mike, as you perhaps may have already heard, I am going to be leaving NEXSUS at the end of February, prior to a family move to Vancouver; at present I am busily tidying up loose ends and making sure I leave a tidy ship; one thing that is still outstanding concerns Metrics, and in particular the papers metrics; as I discussed at the last workshop, a tiered system would enable us to demonstrate that while our co-authored papers have not been great in number, we have been producing output that is closely related to the NEXSUS work; a few months ago I sent you the (attached) file of papers that have been reported as being your output in the previous NEXSUS Annual Reports to ESRC; I suggested that you go through these and using the tiering system I proposed (see explanatory file also attached), to indicate which category each paper fits into; your small effort in this respect would pay us all big dividends in producing a clear report for ESRC of the inside picture of our output; could I therefore ask you to revisit the attached files and to let me have a report back of your tiered papers and output, using the "Metrics so far" file as a guide; in addition could you also make sure that you are up to date with the inter-group meeting reports, by cross checking with the table in the bottom of the file; I would appreciate your response before the middle of February to enable me to pull together a final Metrics report for Peter's next Annual Report; many thanks, Jane <> <> Metrics so far.doc Papers 1-CASA.doc