Todays Visionary is Scott Adams, creator of the cubicle dwelling hi-tech engineer Dilbert®. Scott's first book "The Dilbert Principle" is one of the top selling business publications ever; The Dilbert Principle and subsequent titles have sold over 10 million copies. Dilbert is in syndication in 1,900 newspapers in 56 countries and has a readership of 150 million.
Scott is a native of Windham, New York, and is a graduate of Hartwick College with a BA in economics, and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley. Dilbert® is not the only venture that Scott has in the works. He is also a partner in a Pleasanton, California area restaurant and has created the Dilberito®, a microwavable and nutritious entree.
In the future, cyberspace won't exist as a concept. The Internet will be the only way to do normal business, making it unnecessary to have special words to describe it.
Today we say I drove to work and don't need to add in a car because it is assumed. Cyberspace, multimedia, the Internet and a host of other words will leave the language in twenty years as they also become assumed as the normal way of doing things.