 Gaze into your monitor; focus beyond the orderly rows of pixels, past the circuitry, farther even than the orbiting communications satellites. If you look far enough, can you see data-quasars and info-nebulae? Looking out into cyberspace, what do you see?

In the coming weeks we'll be accumulating the answers we're receiving to this tantalizing question here. Below, follow links to Visionaries we didn't invite to tell us what they see in cyberspace. We couldn't find their e-mail addresses.

 unplugged Visionaries:

» Jules Verne, Misunderstood Visionary [Scientific American, by Arthur B. Evans and Ron Miller]

» Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester. [American Museum of Natural History]

» The Writings of Thomas Jefferson [on]

» Thomas Edison's Invention Web

What do you see when you look into cyberspace? Current Vision »

I See Words
In This Edition of Visions
Biblia latina
       In this edition, Frances Sherwood, Professor of English, and writer sees: "People who would not think of writing letters correspond by e-mail. Kids are reading games, instructions, doing school work, learning new things on computers at home, in schools and libraries. People who shun books, but like gadgets, are using the computer like mad, and in fact will soon be reading books on hand held computers. To me, it is a very democratic movement, something that reaches everybody, and a real triumph of the word.…"

Current Vision » Vision #010, 2 June 2000.

Visions Archives
12/01/99 Vision #009 "I see dancing beans" - by Jeffrey Zeldman, creative director of SenseNet Go
11/01/99 Vision #008 "I see business as usual" - by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. Go
10/01/99 Vision #007 "I see points and spaces of light" - by Esther Dyson, chairman of EDventure Holdings, Inc. Go
09/01/99 Vision #006 "I see bridges" - by Judi Harris, associate professor in the University of Texas at Austin's College of Education. Go
08/01/99 Vision #005 "I see a Wisdom Space" - by Bernard Tan, a physicist and composer and Dean of Students (formerly Dean of Science) at the National University of Singapore. Go
08/01/99 Vision #004 "I see a new Renaissance" - by Eugene Garfield, President and Editor-in-Chief of The Scientist. Go
07/01/99 Vision #003 "I see toasters" - by Vint Cerf, senior vice president of Internet Architecture and Technology at MCI WorldCom. Go
06/15/99 Vision #002 "I see maps of the Internet" - by Bill Joy, Chief Scientist and corporate executive officer for Sun Microsystems. Go
06/01/99 Vision #001 "I see an elephant" - by Paul Jones, director of the UNC MetaLab. Go

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