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SpaceKit for Java, page 7
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1 Introduction
2 The Blocks SpaceKit for Java Client
3 Connecting and Channel Creation
4 Client Examples
5 The Blocks SpaceKit for Java Server: SpaceBxxd
6 SpaceBxxd - Responses
» Localization Class Structure and Utilities
8 Reference
this article in RFC-2629 formats

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Localization Class Structure
and Utilities
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      Localization support can be added to the SpaceKit by creating a message class for the particular language to support. The class name is "SpaceMessage" followed by the language mnemonic with hyphens removed and capitalized. For example, the class name for "en-us" is "SpaceMessageENUS" and is an implemention of the "SpaceMessage" interface.

      The class contains one method get() with a single int argument specifying the message number. Error codes are considered message numbers.

      The class must be defined in the $CLASSPATH for the Java virtual machine.

A Localization Class Example

      This is the implementation of the "en-us" language as distributed with the Blocks SpaceKit for Java:

public class SpaceMessageENUS implements SpaceMessage {

//  lookup message
public String get(int messageCode) {
     if(messageCode == 421) return("service not available");
     if(messageCode == 450) return("requested action not taken");
     if(messageCode == 451) return("requested action aborted");
     if(messageCode == 454) return("temporary authentication failure");
     if(messageCode == 500) return("general syntax error");
     if(messageCode == 501) return("missing NUL separator");
     if(messageCode == 504) return("parameter not implemented");
     if(messageCode == 530) return("authentication required");
     if(messageCode == 534) return("authentication mechanism insufficient");
     if(messageCode == 535) return("authentication failure");
     if(messageCode == 537) return("action not authorized for user");
     if(messageCode == 538) return("authentication mechanism requires encryption");
     if(messageCode == 550) return("requested action not taken");
     if(messageCode == 553) return("parameter invalid");
     if(messageCode == 554) return("transaction failed");



SpaceKeyOtp: OTP Key Generation

      Each user defined in a user properties file contains an authorization key associated with the authorization mechanism. The SpaceKeyOtp utility arguments are algorithm, passphrase (not included in the user properties file), seed and count:

java SpaceKeyOtp sha1 secretpassphrase rwcsqa0120696 9911

      The key is sent to standard output:

Next » Reference.

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