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Rocket Science
Mappa.Mundi Magazine
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Open Space
Open Source
Open Possibilities

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May 2000 Cover
In the open space of a ridge overlooking Petaluma, California, a lone oak spreads its branches broadly gathering the energy of the spring sunshine. Kris Magnusson's feature article Invisible Worlds and Open Source: Revolutionizing Relationships argues that Open Source can bring energy not just to software development, but to the human relationships that bring value to technology as well.

In the May edition of Mappa.Mundi, Invisible Worlds celebrates spring with the release of two new packages into open source, the Blocks SpaceKit for Java by Frank Morton and the Blocks SpaceKit for Perl by Brad Burdick.

[photo by Marty Lucas]

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The Blocks SpaceKit for Java
A new release to open source from Invisible Worlds

      The Blocks SpaceKit for Java is a software development kit that implements the Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol (BXXP) in Java. The SpaceKit provides tools to access existing Blocks servers as well as providing a framework for developing Blocks servers using Java.

Latest Release » The Blocks SpaceKit for Java

The Blocks SpaceKit for Perl
A new release to open source from Invisible Worlds

            The Blocks SpaceKit for Perl is a software development kit that implements the Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol (BXXP) in Perl. The SpaceKit provides tools to access existing Blocks servers as well as providing a framework for developing Blocks servers using Perl.

Latest Release » The Blocks SpaceKit for Perl

Available In Rocket Science
  Core Technologies
  space.cgi   "The Importance Of Being EDGAR" - An overview of Invisible Worlds' core technology and philosophy, by Carl Malamud. Go
The space.cgi Interface - A sneak peek at a new kind of server optimized for finding, managing, and visualizing metadata. Go
Examples - five sample forms that illustrate some of the concepts behind space.cgi. Go
  SpaceScript   Introduction - Meet the team and learn the philosophy behind SpaceScript.
Tutorial - Learn how to write your own templates using SpaceScript. A convenient Quick Reference section is also available. Go
Packages - View live examples utilizing SpaceScript. Go
  SpaceKits   Introduction - We asked noted technology analyst, consultant and writer David Strom to help introduce Danny Goodman's SpaceKitTM viewer, and place this aspect of Invisible Worlds research and development into perspective on today's Internet scene.
The Blocks SpaceKit for Java - A software development kit that implements the Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol (BXXP) in Java. By Frank Morton; released to open source May 1, 2000. Go
The Blocks SpaceKit for Perl - A software development kit that implements the Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol (BXXP) in Perl. By Brad Burdick; released to open source May 1, 2000. Go
Javascript SpaceKit Viewer - Danny Goodman wrote a front-end software application entirely in JavaScript and Dynamic HTML utilizing Invisible Worlds core technologies. Go
EDGARspace - View Danny Goodman's SpaceKit Viewer in action. Go
  Builders   "What is the Builder API?" - The BuilderAPI defines a set of functions intended to facilitate retrieval and processing of data in XML format. Go

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