Mappa.Mundi Magazine
Brook Ellingwood works as a producer for Mappa.Mundi Magazine, and is an information miner at Invisible Worlds. Previously, he was a writer and producer for Mr. Showbiz and the Walt Disney Company's GO Network. As the owner of Mootkat Studios, Brook worked on sound designs for live theatre and multimedia projects, including titles for the Discovery Channel and Scholastic Book Services.
Invisible Worlds
Other Reviewers for
Mappa.Mundi Magazine:

Bob Halliday is a resident of Bangkok, Thailand and a long-time writer for The Bangkok Post. Bob is best known on the Internet for his site devoted to Thai food, the Aw Taw Kaw Market.

Corinne Becknell is Managing Editor of Mappa.Mundi Magazine and a partner at Becknell and Lucas Media. While working with the Internet Multicasting Service, based in Washington D.C., Becknell and Lucas Media helped pioneer the use of the Internet as a multimedia communications resource.

Brook Ellingwood, Current Edition »

Exploration in the Ice
In This Edition of Reviews
Water color by Edward Wilson
       In this edition, Brook Ellingwood reviews books on the British Antarctic Expeditions: "The expedition stories are remarkable human dramas filled with the bitter rivalry between Scott and polar rival Sir Ernest Shackleton, individual torment of both the physical and psychological kind, and striking differences in leadership style, but it can be argued that their current popularity owes itself more to a sort of fin-de-siecle resonance…"

Current Edition » Exploration in the Ice, 1 January 2000.

Reviews Archives
10/01/99 Quatermass and the Pit - For SF at its best, try this 1967 alien invasion film, now available on DVD. Go
09/01/99 MP3-Closeup #1: "Thin" terview - An interview with D.C. based electronica musician Mike Curtis. Go
08/03/99 Edgard Varèse: Complete Works - Excellent recordings of a 20th century master. Go
06/05/99 The Clay Machine Gun - Vladimir Ilich Chapaev travels into an absolute void in a novel by Victor Pelevin. Go

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