Mappa.Mundi Magazine
  T-O  Mappa.Mundi Magazine
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About Mappa.Mundi Magazine maps the journey from data to understanding, revealing invisible worlds of information on the way.
Back Issues - View our content and covers by issue.
Mapping Mappa - How we use metadata and Invisible Worlds technology to map Mappa.Mundi.
Mappa.Mundi Forums - Here's your chance to be interactive! Join in the discussion.
Contact Us - Write A Letter To The Editor.
Copyright Information - The Fine Print.
About Mappa.Mundi Magazine - About our publication and the origins of our logo.
Mappa.Mundi: Revealing Invisible Worlds - Our streaming QuickTime promo.
  T-O  All Over The Map Go
About All Over The Map goes behind the barricades of the information revolution for an eclectic look at notable people, trends, and ideas.
Author Carl Malamud is Invisible Worlds', co-founder and board member.
Current 01/01/00
Memory Palaces
When a roof failed in Thessaly, a poet found the first information space.
Archive 10/01/99
A Shared Reality - Maps, metaphors, and meta-information.
The Importance of Being EDGAR - Who We Are, What We Do by Carl Malamud
The Internet Prayer Wheel - A silent and invisible tribute to the late Jon Postel.
Multicasting Matters - Multicasting isn't just for cheap TV tricks.
E-Work - Bit Bonds? An Internet Public Works Commission? E-Work? What's the world coming to.
 T-O  Features Go
About Features presents an occasional in-depth look at key issues of information retrieval and delivery.
Author Kristopher Magnusson, Director of Developer Relations at Invisible Worlds.
Current 05/01/00
Invisible Worlds and Open Source: Revolutionizing Relationships
Archive 04/01/00
Maps, Space, and Other Metaphors for Metadata How the Blocks architecture manages metadata.
By Carl Malamud Invisible Worlds', co-founder and board member, and Marshall T. Rose, Chief of Protocol at Invisible Worlds.
On the Design of Application Protocols
Solving a problem 19 years in the making.
By Dr. Marshall T. Rose, Chief of Protocol, Invisible Worlds, Inc.
 T-O  Internet-Drafts Go
About Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time.
Author Marshall T. Rose, Chief of Protocol at Invisible Worlds, and Carl Malamud Invisible Worlds', co-founder and board member.
Newest 04/14/00
The Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol - the Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol (BXXP).
On the Design of Application Protocols - the design principles for the Blocks eXtensible eXchange Protocol.
More 03/10/00
The Blocks eXtensible eXchange Service - How to provision a Blocks service.
By Marshall T. Rose, Chief of Protocol at Invisible Worlds, and Marco Gazzetta, engineer at Invisible Worlds.
The Blocks Simple Exchange Profile - The Simple Exchange Profile (SEP) is used to exchange objects, termed blocks, residing in an SEP datastore.
By Marshall T. Rose, Chief of Protocol at Invisible Worlds.
Blocks: Architectural Precepts - Blocks is an architecture for managing metadata.
By Marshall T. Rose, Chief of Protocol at Invisible Worlds.
  T-O  Locus Go
About Locus is a series about words that describe places and how these words have shaped and been shaped by language, culture and society through the ages.
Author Stephanie Faul, director of public relations for the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
Current 05/01/00
Meridian - Slicing the globe.
Archive 04/01/00
The Four-Color Map Problem - A topologist met a topographer - they talked tints.
Interferometry - Space Shuttle Endeavour's radar eyes are giving us a clearer picture of earth topography.
Finding the Poles - Places with no east or west.
Prince Henry, The Navigator - From the end of the Earth a medieval prince launched an age of exploration.
Time and Place - Call them smart bombs if you will - fact is, they're only following instructions.
Imaginary Places - In a storyteller's dreamscape, monkeys can fly.
Triangulation - Map makers need to know all the angles.
Atlas - A Titan's burden becomes a cartographer's collection.
Secrecy - Sometimes, it's what a map doesn't show.
Topography - Cartography has its ups and downs.
Projection - Gerardus Mercator was a controversial cartographer in the 16th century. He still is.
Portolon - The magnetic compass, along with the portolan map, fostered a revolution in marine navigation.
Map - Map making is an ancient art.
Orbis Terrarum Map of the World - Globe of the World.
  T-O  Map of the Month Go
About Map of the Month probes the geography of cyberspaces and how researchers are creating graphical representations that help define our perception of virtual spaces.
Author Martin Dodge, researcher in the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London.
Current 06/01/00
Mapping a Virtual City - Above AlphaWorld with Roland Vilett.
Archive 05/01/00
Maps to Market Your Network - How UUNET markets their infrastructure using maps.
Mapping the Global Spread of the Net - The virus-like spread of the Internet around the globe is the subject of a series by Larry Landweber.
Conceptual Map of Net Spaces Circa '94 - There's an Internet beyond the Web on John December's CyberMap Landmarks.
A Map of Yahoo! - Yahoo! is the undisputed king of Web directories. Would an interactive map of Yahoo!'s hierarchical classification be a more useful navigational tool?
Missile Tracks Across The Net - Stephen G. Eick's color coded arches have become popular icons for visualizing the Internet.
MIDS Maps the Internet World - John S. Quarterman's Matrix Internet and Directory Services consultancy has been mapping cyberspace for a decade. Red pill not required.
Web Site Maps from Dynamic Diagrams - Z-Diagrams help designers visualize large Web sites in two-and-a-half dimensions.
Mapping MUDs - Multi-User Dimensions are shared fantasy realms built of words and visible only in a player's mind. Can they be mapped?
Mapping How The Data Flows (traceroute) - The links and hops of the hidden world of the Internet are revealed as Martin Dodge puts three traceroute mapping programs to the test.
Internet Arcs Around The Globe (1996) - Arcs above the globe trace MBone topology in a map series by Munzer, et al.
Tim Bray's Hyperlink Totems (1995) - Totem pole icons of web sites glow with hyperlink light in Tim Bray's 1995 map of the Internet.
ARPANET, October 1980 - Peering back into the dim and distant past--October 1980--Martin Dodge presents a map of the ARPANET. One of the earliest attempts to chart the reaches of Cyberspace, it reminds us that today's Internet is a cold war child.
  T-O  Reviews Go
About Mappa Mundi's occasional reviews look at thought-provoking work in literature, film, music, and other arts.
Authors Various.
Current 01/01/00
Exploration in the Ice: Books on the British Antarctic Expeditions
At the beginning of the last century polar expeditions stirred adventurous souls. They still do.
Archive 10/01/99
Quatermass and the Pit - For SF at its best, try this 1967 alien invasion film, now available on DVD.
MP3-Closeup 'Thin' terview - An interview with D.C. based electronica musician Mike Curtis.
Edgard Varese, Complete Works - Excellent recordings of a 20th century master.
The Clay Machine-Gun - Vladimir Ilich Chapaev travels into an absolute void in a novel by Victor Pelevin.
  T-O  Rocket Science Go
About Rocket Science introduces new information technologies from Invisible Worlds, Inc., publisher of Mappa.Mundi Magazine.
Authors Invisible Worlds' Rocket Scientists.
Current 05/01/00
The Blocks SpaceKit for Perl - A software development kit that implements BXXP in Perl.
The Blocks SpaceKit for Java - A software development kit that implements BXXP in Java.
Archive 03/01/00
What is the BuilderAPI? - The BuilderAPI defines a set of functions intended to facilitate retrieval and processing of data in XML format.
Introduction to SpaceScript - Learn how to master SpaceScript with this easy tutorial and reference guide.
The SpaceKit Viewer - Danny Goodman wrote a front-end software application entirely in JavaScript and Dynamic HTML utilizing Invisible Worlds core technologies.
Rocket Science: space.cgi - The Invisible Worlds interface to the SpaceServer.
  T-O  Trip-M Go
About Trip-M logs journeys to the center of social, political and economic issues of interest to the technology community.
Author Marty Lucas, Editor of Mappa.Mundi Magazine.
Current 04/01/00
Demystifying Metadata - A look at some of the basic kinds of information you may want to include in your metadata.
Archive 01/01/00
Knowing the Rules, a conversation with Hal Varian - "Technology changes, economic laws do not." A conversation with UC Berkeley economics professor Hal Varian.
Mining in Textual Mountains - Will text data mining open rich new veins of information in the mountains of documents available online?
Saving Private Art - In this edition of Trip-M, Marty Lucas interviews Rebecca Pranger, Creative Director of Invisible Worlds and the creator of a unique digital storytelling project, Private Art: WWII Letters To and From Home.
Seeing the Sound - Audio spectrograms can map any sonic event - and you can make your own.
Getting Tufte - A review of an information design class by Edward R. Tufte.
Pastures in the Sea - NASA oceanographer M. Grey Valenti explains the SeaWiFS project.
  T-O  Visions Go
About Visions invites guest seers to report on what they see when they peer into cyberspace.
Authors Guest Visionaries.
Current 12/01/99
I See Dancing Beans
The Internet comes of age at New York's China Club.
Archive 11/01/99
I see business as usual - Scott Adams has seen the future and it looks like the Internet will be integrated into our everyday lives.
I see points and spaces of light - Esther Dyson sees points and spaces of light in a blank dark sweep of cyberspace, where things are either sharp and present, or invisible.
I see bridges - Not bridges of steel, not even electronic bridges, but bridges of ideas that span the miles of physical space.
I see a Wisdom Space - Bernard Tan sees a Wisdom Space, with the collective wisdom of all human civilization, everywhere and everywhen.
I see a new Renaissance - Eugene Garfield sees an ideal library serving a world thirsting for knowledge.
I see toasters - Vint Cerf sees millions, if not billions of new devices populating a pervasive Internet.
I see maps of the Internet - Bill Joy, Chief Scientist and CEO of Sun Microsystems says it's time for Internet cartographers to seize the day.
I see an elephant - The Internet as the proverbial elephant.
  T-O  Web Informant Go
About Web Informant discusses current trends and events of interest to Web-based marketers and publishers.
Author David Strom, networking and communications consultant.
Current 05/26/00
We need volunteers - Where to find your community.  
Archive 05/19/00
Lessons learned from the demise of - Did borders kill Boo?
The auction is now open - Getting comfy with the eBay way.
Surfing on Company Time - Is it time to adopt an appropriate web use policy at your office?
The Big Blur - Now that cyberspace is everywhere, can we ever go home again?
Evaluating the new wireless Web applications - The smallest ways to stay connected.
Appreciating the innovations of Palm and AOL - Looking for growth technology? Think small.
A plea to return to single tasking - Shut off your gizmos and pay attention.
The hidden privacy hazards of HTML E-mail - You've got mail - and it's got you!
Learning from Napster - Napster makes the Internet a distributed archive for MP3s - what are the implications for Internet traffic management (and copyrights)?
What becomes a location most? - Cyber-buildings are the engine rooms of the information age.
Desperately seeking broadband - Installing a cable modem requires great peace of mind.
A letter from Nepal - What does the Internet mean to Nepal?
The DotCom People - Where do they all dot-come from?
My first firewall - Web Informant shares his home and office firewall setup.
Joining an affiliates network - The easy way to get into e-commerce.
Managing Web systems effectively - Mike Metzger's primer for proactive Web management.
Getting Internet access when you travel - Selecting an ISP for international e-mail service.
Buying a car online - Are you ready to buy a car online?
The Shipping News, or when you absolutely, positively have to know - How to get information about shipping on eCommerce packages.
Measuring Web performance - How to measure Web performance.
Shopping on the Web, two days seems like an eternity - Internet shoppers can be a tough crowd.
Internet groupware can give you competitive advantage - Intranet collaboration could bring big dividends to your company or project.
Keeping your contacts in sync - Finding the right Web based contact management service.
It's hard work protecting your family's PCs - Configuring a home computer doesn't count as quality family time.
Using e-mail to effectively communicate with your customers - E-mail with customers is a critical contact point for your business.
Son of (return of) push - Remember the push craze in 1997? It's baaaack...
E-mail paranoia - Tips for keeping your e-mail private.
Preserving online archives - Save the stale!
Don't let shoppers name their price - Is your ecommerce site safe from this simple hack?
Attention loyal shoppers - Why do so many web shoppers check out before they checkout?
Why search engines are clueless - David Strom reports on Spacescript Viewer from Invisible Worlds Inc.
You've Got Hot Mail - Using free e-mail services for checking your mail on the road.
Using CNN for network management - Why not let CNN let you know when there is network outage.
Making Beautiful Music on Your PC - Turning your PC into a music jukebox.
Recommended Reading - David Strom's suggestions for summer reading.
Picking the right fat pipe - David Strom compares DSL and cable Internet connections.
The coming broadband congestion - High speed connections could mean a high probability of congestion.
When bad things happen to good PCs - Is it Plug and Play or Plug and Pray?
Let the Instant Messaging Battles Begin - AOL blocks Microsoft's Messenger instant messaging system.
I've Been Hacked - Web Informant was hacked. Don't let it happen to you.
A Teen-Eyed View of Moneyopolis - Teens review
Slouching towards - Running applications and storing your data on the Internet.
What is the real price of free PCs? - Is a free PC worth the price?
More on how to start your own mailing list - David Strom decides which mailing list to use for Web Informant.
What's in a (domain) name? - When it comes to a domain name, the shorter the better.
Do you really want Windows CE on your TV? - Microsoft is getting into the set-top market.
Thoughts on computers in the schools - Web Informant shares his thoughts on technology in our schools.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt - No sense in denying it, the Internet is here to stay.
How to spam your friends - David Strom discusses the distributing of Web Informant past and present.
Welcome to Update Planet - David Strom discusses the pros and cons of update fever.
Beware of Microsoft's XML - David Strom evaluates Microsoft's XML products
Will the Real Internet Inventor Please Stand Up? - Taking credit for inventing the Internet.
Choosing the right pocket-sized gizmo for your email needs - Teen-e, tine-e-mail.
Figuring out home networking options - How to get wired at home.
Home Networking Ain't Easy - David Strom shares his tips on setting up your home network.
Buy Internet service, get a free PC - Wen Informant talks about the rise in free PC offers when singing up with an ISP.
Getting your email on the road - The e-mail road test.
  T-O  Miscellaneous .
About Miscellaneous
Smells Like VRML - The distance between theory and practice is always smaller in theory than it is in practice.
Fine Dining On Sand Hill Road - Share your fine dining experience on Sand Hill road with Mappa.Mundi Magazine

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ISSN: 1530-3314

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