Mappa.Mundi Magazine
Kris A long-time advocate for open source principles and practices, Kris Magnusson was formerly Novell's Open Source Architect, and is currently Director of Developer Relations at Invisible Worlds. His achievements include founding and directing Novell's open source initiative, formulating open source-related business strategy, proposing and directing strategic open source projects, and coauthoring the Novell Cooperative License. Kris is the coauthor of Java Enterprise in a Nutshell by O'Reilly & Associates, and is the author of the forthcoming Java Naming and Directory Programming, also by O'Reilly. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics (mathematics) from the University of Utah, 1991 and is a refugee from graduate studies in economics.
Invisible Worlds
Other Features Contributors

Marshall T. Rose is Chief of Protocol at Invisible Worlds, Inc.

Carl Malamud is co-founder of Invisible Worlds, and a member of the board of directors.

Kris Magnusson, Current Edition »

Invisible Worlds and Open Source: Revolutionizing Relationships
Current Feature

      Open source is clearly the future of software. Invisible Worlds is entering the world of open source with the intention of creating the most satisfying relationships between itself and everyone in the growing Blocks community. Invisible Worlds is busy revolutionizing, not just the Web as we know it, but our relationships as well.

      Eric S. Raymond makes a compelling case why open source practices facilitate the creation of better software, but the benefits of open source also extend into the arena of human relationships. In short, open source improves relationship quality as well as software quality. I believe Invisible Worlds's open source practices will help us all to become a lot happier people. …"

Current Edition » Invisible Worlds and Open Source, 1 May 2000.

Features Archive
04/01/00 Maps, Space, and Other Metaphors for Metadata - By Carl Malamud and Dr. Marshall T. Rose Go
03/01/99 On the Design of Application Protocols - Solving a problem 19 years in the making. Go

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