Cartographic Corner
Mappa.Mundi Magazine
Carl Malamud is Invisible Worlds', co-founder and board member. He previously founded the Internet Multicasting Service, the nonprofit group that helped pioneer some of the most important early content on the World Wide Web. Internet Multicasting is known for creating the first Internet radio station, for putting the SEC's EDGAR database on-line, and for creating the Internet 1996 World Exposition.
By Carl Malamud, Invisible Worlds Current Edition »

Memory Palaces
In This Edition of All Over the Map
      The idea of a shadowy underworld of magicians and outlaws who learned (and practiced) the secret arts inspired an obsession by some of the noted authors of the 20th century. Thomas Pynchon, in particular, used the Giordanistis as the model for the shadowy world of an underground postal service in The Crying of Lot 49…

Current Edition » Memory Palaces, 1 January 2000.

All Over the Map Archives
10/01/99 "A Shared Reality: Maps as Metaphor" - Maps have always been consensual hallucinations. Go
09/15/99 "The Importance of Being EDGAR" - Carl Malamud and the SEC have a long and interesting history together. Go
08/01/99 "The Internet Prayer Wheel" - An invisible and silent tribute to the late Jon Postel. Go
07/01/99 "Multicasting Matters" - Multicasting isn't just for cheap television tricks anymore. Go
06/01/99 "E-Work" - Beyond Open Source there's work that needs doing. Go

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