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Navigating content – not quite Hollywood
improving ways to navigate online content
is there a middle ground between current textual / list type interfaces versus the immersive 3d (cool) interfaces of Hollywood?
from feedback received, it seems like many people are seeking better navigation tools and interfaces
experience from cartography can help
examine the potential of information mapping

Navigational activities
much information seeking is haphazard, ill-defined. May not know exactly what you are looking for. Iterative and fluid. Exploration.
Scanning – covering a large area quickly and without depth
Browsing – following an undirected path by associations until you find something of interest
Searching – looking for an explicit target
Exploring – finding out the full extent and diversity of what is available
Wandering – random and unstructured movement without    purpose

The power of maps
maps have been powerful visual interfaces for understanding the World for several 1000 years
maps have been key in framing our understanding places, their size, shape and the relations between them
‘what is where’ and ‘how to get there’
revealing what is hidden. Making the invisible visible
maps have been vital for navigating unknown territory
I’m a geographer, so I believe maps enjoy a privileged position over other descriptive tools

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Information Maps
information maps for content navigation
wide variety of ‘experiments’ / products
visual metaphors
dimension (2D, 2.5D, 3D)
static - dynamic
levels of user interactivity
scales of maps
individual site maps
dynamic surf maps / trail maps / history visualization
large chunks of information space
focus on interactive 2d space-filling information maps

The power of information maps
the missing ‘up button’ on the browser
intelligent summarisation and generalisation
3 key advantages:
a sense of the whole (the birds eye view / big picture). What is there around here?
revealing hidden connections / structure
support interactive browsing

Making information maps
Spatialisation – turning content into maps
various algorithms
Key spatial properties:
+ the graphic properties of colour, shape, labeling, etc

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can we make information maps?
can we make really useful information maps?
- probably, but maybe not yet
how helpful are the current maps in navigating online content?
are the maps just eye candy?
the ‘killer map’ is yet to be drawn
I want the London Tube map for the Web
potential developments
surf maps integrated into the browser
search engine result maps

major usability issues, need evaluation
many people have trouble reading maps
need very clear metaphors
easy modes of interaction and support
interesting in themselves. Maps as art?
concern for privacy issues. Maps are often used to monitor, track and control
there is no one definitive map
all maps maps distort, all maps deceive – some are deliberate, some are unintentional

Distortion and deception
“how to lie with maps”
most obvious being through
data selection/omission
how are maps of information
   content deceiving?
many ways to project content
onto a flat map

"questions ?? I would welcome..."
questions ?? I would welcome feedback, email me at
the slides of this presentation are available at
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