Archaeological Record history of archaeology |
Communication |
Art and Architecture sculpture, relief, applied art, houses, religious architecture |
path Exchange, Conflict. |
Exact Sciences weights and measures mathematics, astronomy, medicine |
Technology faience, metal, food/drink wood, bone, stonework, pottery |
Social History |
Religion |
Upper Egypt - Middle Egypt - Lower Egypt -
Tarkhan, Fayum, Gizeh, Abydos, Lahun, Badari, Naqada, Meydum, Qau, Hierakonpolis, Amarna, Deir el-Medina, Memphis, Fustat, Sedment, Gurob, Tell el-Yahudiyeh, Gerzeh, Harageh, Rifeh, Thebes, Saqqara, Buhen, Hawara, Suakin, Zaraby, Elkab |
Predynastic | Early Dynastic Egypt | Old Kingdom | Middle Kingdom |
New Kingdom | Late Period | Greek Roman Egypt | Islamic Egypt |
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