Abbreviations, see: Leiden University
Adams 2002. Barbara Adams. Petrie's Manuscript Journal from Coptos. Autour de Coptos Actes du colloque organisé au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon 17-18 mars 2000 Topoi Supplement, 5-22, Lyon
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Dimick 1956. Marion T. Dimick. Memphis : the city of the white wall. Philadelphia
Helck 1971. HelckWolfgang. Die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 3. und 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. Wiesbaden Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 5.
Helck 1974: Wolfgang Helck. Die altaegyptischen Gaue, Wiesbaden 1974
Jeffreys 1985. D.G. Jeffreys. The Survey of Memphis I. London
Jeffreys 2001. D.G. Jeffreys. 'Memphis'. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Edited by Donald B. Redford. New York.Oxford. 373-376
Kessler 1981. Dieter: Kessler. Historische Topographie der Region zwischen Mallawi und Samalut. Wiesbaden
Leahy 1990. Anthony Leahy. Libya and Egypt. c1300-750 BC. London
Leahy 2000. 'Libya', The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt 2. Edited by Donald B. Redford. New York.Oxford. 290-293
Malek 1997. Jaromir Malek. The Temples at Memphis. Problems highlighted by the EES survey. The Temple in Ancient Egypt. (edited by Stephen Quirke). 90-101
Osing 1980. Jurgen Osing. 'Libyen, Libyer' Lexikon der Ägyptologie III. Wiesbaden. 1015-1033
Smith 1962. S. Smith. The land of Punt. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 1 (1962). 59-60.
Yoyotte 1961: Jean Yoyotte. Etudes geographiques. RdE 13 (1961). 71-105
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