Index of 3D models

A) List of contents within the Digital Egypt for Universities Project

1. Tarkhan: origins of writing and the state (3D reconstruction of largest tombs)

Tombs 2035 and 2038 in plain shade (VRML world) (1MB)
Tombs 2035 and 2038 in plain shade (AVI movie) (6.5MB)


Tombs 2035 and 2038 in plain shade (VRML world) (1MB)
Tombs 2035 and 2038 with coloured walls (AVI movie) (6.6MB)


2. Fayum Neolithic Camp W: origins of agriculture (3D reconstruction of camp and landscape)

3. Meydum Pyramid: monumental architecture and kingship (3D reconstruction of pyramid and major tombs)

4. Qau: monumental tombs and cult of the dead (3D reconstruction of the tombs of the mayors from Qau)

5. Coptos and Thebes: lost temples (3D reconstruction of temples from Coptos and Thebes)

6. Gurob: palace and textile production (3D reconstruction of largest tombs)

7. Memphis: Technologies of Roman Egypt, the Anubieion (3D of the palace of Apries in Memphis and the city of Memphis; 3D of the Late period temples from Saqqara)

8. Shurafa: Byzantine Egypt, Late Antiquity in Egypt (3D reconstruction of the city of Shurafa, theatre of Oxyrhinchos)

9. Fustat: Islamic Egypt (3D reconstruction of the city of Fustat)


B) List of contents outside the project

1. Giza: Plateau computer model (University of Chicago)

Phase I (1990-1995)
Phase II (1997-1998)


2. Hawara: Labyrinth model (University College London)

Pyramid and the 12th dynasty tombs (VRML world) (3MB)
Pyramid and the 12th dynasty tombs (AVI movie) (14MB)


Pyramid and the labyrinth complex: Petrie model (VRML world) (0.3MB)
Pyramid and the labyrinth complex: Petrie model (AVI movie) (8.7MB)


Pyramid and the labyrinth complex: second model (VRML world) (33MB)
Pyramid and the labyrinth complex: second model (AVI movie) (3.8MB)


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