// =================== // MTX2HTML Readme // =================== Readme mtx2html.txt This file - describes how to use templates mtx2html.exe The executable application [Defaults] The folder containing preferences [HTML Support] The folder containing any HTML templates used // =================== // Template files // =================== HTML files generated from MTX/MTZ files are produced by replacing special template strings inside the HTML template files using the user input fields from the main dialog. The user input fields in the main dialog are constructed automatically by the MTX 2 HTML utility. It does this by examining the "replaceable" template items in the specified HTML file. The MTX 2 HTML utility ships with standard templates. However, you can create your own templates to improve your workflow. The standard templates are: generic.html - This is the standard template. Any new templates you create should be based on the generic.html template. wireframe.html - This template includes JavaScript to change the render mode between default and wire (wireframe). The template also creates a button to trigger the render mode change. poser.html - This template includes "ComponentMinimumVersion="50332936" in both the embed/object tag. This forces the Viewpoint Media Player to update the Scene Component to the 3.0.5 version and is required if your content is created using Poser from Curious Labs. // =================== // Template Items // =================== To create a customized HTML template, start by making a copy of the generic.html file and save it using a different file name. The MTX 2 HTML utility will then make this template selectable from the "HTML template menu" list. You can add any html code you like into the template. In addition, you can add in "replaceable" template items if user customization is required. For example: Font=((VMP))Enter a Font((VMP)) The surrounding "((VMP))" indicates a replaceable template item. When you select a template, the MTX 2 HTML utility will look for any "replaceable" template items and generate a field in the user interface that allows input of a value. That value will then replace the "replaceable" template item in the generated html file. Additionally, you can specify default values using "::" in the "replaceable" template item. For example: Font=((VMP))Enter a Font::Arial((VMP)) will create a user input field labeled "Enter a Font", whose default value will be Arial. NOTE: The following keywords are reserved: ((VMP))FILENAME((VMP)) replaced with the MTX/MTZ filename ((VMP))BUILD((VMP)) replaced with the mtx2html build version ((VMP))FORMSDATA((VMP)) replaced with buttons from the MTX/MTZ file ((VMP))BROADCASTKEY((VMP)) replaced with the broadcast key URL