((VMP))DESCRIPTION::This catalog style template provides an interface for 3 animations. Please see the Readme.doc file for additional information on using the Style Sheets to customize template elements. Additional information can be found in the accompanying Viewpoint Media Publisher User Guide. ANIMATIONS The names for your animations can be found in the .mtx file. Look for . Copy the name that is in the Name attribute to the appropriate template field. The files required by the Catalog3 Template are kept in the catalog3_resources folder and the template references this folder. When the Publisher creates your HTML page it also creates a new folder at the same location and copies over the files in the catalog3_resources folder. The new folder is named the same as your html file and ends with "_resources". When you upload your files to your server, be sure to include the htmlfilename_resources folder as it is required.((VMP)) product template

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((VMP))Product Title::Product Title((VMP))
sku# 017583790

((VMP))Product Description::This paragraph is for the description of the product. It would describe some of the highlights. In the case of this fine PDA, the seller might want to showcase it's design, form, and functionality.((VMP))