by Michael Batty (CASA, UCL)
and Peter Allen (Cranfield University)

ECCS'06: A One-Day Satellite Workshop:
Thursday 28th September 2006

Complexity and Dynamics: Volatility & Stability in City & Regional Systems


Invited Speakers

So far the following speakers have agreed to present

  • Denise Pumain (University of Paris I):
    Multilevel Urban and Regional Modelling with Multi-Agent Systems

  • Peter Allen (Cranfield University):
    Multi-Agent Models for Sustainable Urban Systems
  • Michael Batty (UCL):
    The Dynamics of Cities in the Very Long Term
  • Itzhak Benenson (Tel-Aviv University):
    Fast Agents in a Slow (but Heterogeneous) City
  • Juval Portugali (Tel-Aviv University):
    Self-organization, Cognition and the City
  • Dirk Helbing (ITE, Dresden University of Technology):
    Self-Organized Traffic Flow Dynamics in Networks
  • Paul Ormerod (Volterra Consulting, London):
    Robust yet Fragile: The Volatility and Stability of Cities


Our speakers will represent a good cross section of researchers active in this field with many publications ranging from Denise Pumain's recent edited book Hierarchy in the Natural and Social Sciences (Springer, 2006); Peter Allen's Cities and Regions as Self-Organizing Systems (Taylor and Francis, 1997); Michael Batty's Cities and Complexity (MIT Press, 2005); Juval Portugali's Self-Organisation and the City (Springer, 1999); Itzhak Benenson's Geosimulation (Wiley, 2004); and Dirk Helbing's edited special issue of Physica A, 363 (1), (2006) on Information and Material Flows in Complex Networks; and Paul Ormerod's Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics (Faber and Faber, 2005)

As we arrange more speakers, we will continue to update the list and issue a final program in mid September.