During the reopening of Day 9 801 new objects were placed in the world.
This a decrease on the previous days building, but understandable due to some users being
unwilling to build in case of further server error. 'Stick', a tourist builder in 30
Days lost an entire house as a result of the server error during the original Day 9.
Sticks' loss was highlighted by the fact that he had also lost a building during the
vandalism attack of Day 4. To this end, and quite understandably
after the amount of hours invested, 'Stick' was ready to leave '30 Days in ActiveWorlds'.
During Day 7 and Day 8 the user names in '30 Days' have begun to become familiar, with
a group of users often in the world for over 3-4 hours a day. Betty B, a citizen builder
in '30 Days' has been a notable contributor to the world and stepped in to offer 'Stick' a
free citizenship. 'Stick' is now a citizen of ActiveWorlds and building freely in '30
Days'. A sense of community sprit has developed.
This community spirit was underlined when the 'High Commander' of the Alpha World
Terrorist Group made an entry into '30 Days'. During a conversation with Smithee
(the world owner) and BettyB the High Commander admitted ordering the vandalism of the
world which occurred partly during Day 1 and extensively during Day 4. A number of users
voiced there opinion against vandalism, although discussion was subdued to the threat of
further action. Following the admission a number of threats were suggested of further
vandalism and the possibility of a full scale hack on the server to bring the world down.
The Alpha World Terrorist Group has been known to Circle of Fire for some time. Since
the threat to 30 Days and the admission of vandalism the user behind the group has been
traced via his Internet Provider and action has been taken. In the unlikely event of
further vandalism we have developed an MS Access query which will quickly remove any
vandalism orientated building.
Good building during Day 10!
A gif animation of the worlds development during the first week of
building is available here (69k).
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