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News from Day 14

During Day 14 the world grew by 6% with 1356 new objects placed. The total number of objects in the world has now reached 22,052.

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Notably a link road has developed, linking the northern edge of the existing network to the eastern edge. Pictured right are views of the central point of this new road link at 31N 24E. The link road was built by Kjell, a tourist.

In addition to the new road link. a meandering river has developed with a variety of water plant life around the road bridge crossing the river.



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It is now the end of the second week of  '30 Days in ActiveWorlds'. During week 2 the world has grown by 28%, to illustrate the growth three gif animations are available:
Animation 1 Growth During Week 1 (69k)
Animation 2 Growth During Week 2 (98k )
Animation 3 Week 1 and Week 2 Combined Growth (166k)

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