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Update 12th July 1999

The main news update is the inclusion of two new projects into the virtual environment. The Shared Architecture and Virtual London projects will develop over the coming months and it is hoped that members of the community will take part by sending in photographs for inclusion.

The world, now consists of 39,523 objects placed by 69 known builders, it is as yet undetermined how many tourist builders have contributed to the world.

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Since the last news update a number of interesting buildings and structures have appeared in the world.

Archon Manus, has created a fascinating geographicaaman.jpg (10684 bytes)l structure at 28s, 24e. By importing his own models into CVDS he has transformed the formally flat landscape into a landscape of rolling hills and lush greenery. Judging is currently taking place for the High Resolution CD-Rom awarded for the best imported model. Archons landscape is a sure contender, details will be announced of the winner online shortly. 
dchapel.jpg (18794 bytes)At 54s, 27e a Wedding Chapel is under consrtuction for Dawny and Ken. They are planning to hold a virtual wedding in 360 Days in ActiveWorlds and, as can be seen form the picture, the chapel is taking shape. We will have more details on the pending wedding online shortly.


church.jpg (12205 bytes)Stick has built a fully furnished church at 65.5s, 31.1 w. We recommend a visit to the church and a climb up into the tower. The sight looking down into the main chapel is almost vertigo inducing! You can also learn about Stick by clicking on one of the many links active inside the church.

If you have a structure in 360 Days that you would like featured in the news, please email Smithee the co-ordinates:



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