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Virtual London

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Over the coming months members of the community will begin to notice part of London appearing in 360 Days in Activeworlds. Aimed at being one of the first true multi user virtual cities existing on a low bandwidth network Virtual London will, using a variety of media, provide three dimensional models of London buildings hotlinked to geographical and spatial information. Virtual London will coexist with the exiting buildings in 360 Days and all objects will available for use by the community.

This page will provide screen shots and locations of the models developed for Virtual London. The project is currently in is 'image capture' stage.  Aerial and ground images are being captured of London landmarks which will subsequently be modelled and placed in 360 Days in ActiveWorlds.

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Virtual London will eventually have its own World Wide Web site with VRML models and movie clips of the developing virtual architecture. A link will provided from this page as soon as the project moves into its next stage.



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