The previous 'Daily News' pages are being replaced with a community news
section. This acknowledges the continuing development of community in 30 Days and hands
over the news page to community members. This is now Your page... to
express your views, write a news report or what ever you wish. The community news will be
backed up by a bulletin board where the weeks issues can be discussed. 30 Days is proud to
hand over these pages to the its over to you...good luck and we look
forward to your pages. Betty B is editor of the new Community News section, below is her
introduction to the community page and details on how to submit news and information:
Welcome to our
community page. You are most welcome to send your articles, pictures or whatever you find
interesting for the citizens of cvds to read, to
As Virtual Reality is a fascinating subject and there are many different
ways to get involved with it. You could read books and magazines about it, watch a movie
or anticipate by entering a virtual space. The variety of space people use is huge. On the
work spot they use it for animation, design, photography etc etc.. Those people are
admired by others for what they create, but there is a enormous group of anonymous people
who create aswell. Those people are mostly called weird and mad. Those are the people who
create in virtuality worlds and meet other people in these worlds. An ignorant person
would say, just a chat program , ah cute you can build a house too. Get a life!
Too bad that this happen, the ignorant miss a lot in life I think. Where else can
you meet so many people, with so many different backgrounds, from totally different
cultures, with so many new point of views, in such a short time of period? Where else can
you create your dream house, private race-track, swimming pool with purple water (if you
fancy that) without having money? Tell me and I move up there ? Personally, i´m
interested in the things people create and what it is that they keep coming back to
virtual worlds. In this case CVDS.
Tell me, show me and I share it with our readers, who maybe are ignorant
or just love virtuality like we do! By the way, I am Betty B, 36 springs old and living in
The Netherlands. I travel through virtuality for one year now, building is my addiction
(beside many others hehehe) and probably will keep doing that till I die
Betty B.